
NFL fans: Who are your picks to go to the Superbowl this season?

by Guest59920  |  earlier

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NFL fans: Who are your picks to go to the Superbowl this season?




  1. Superbowl: Dallas vs. Patriots

    NFC playoff teams :

    Vikings (solid head to toe), Greenbay (Aaron is no Favre but will do okay, and has laot of help),  Bucs (D will win the games, O will protect and move the ball well enough), New Orleans Saints (Drew Brees got alot of toys on O), Cowboys (same team as last year), Seattle (someone has to win this division).

    AFC playoff Teams

    Titans (QB got another valuable year): Steelers (solid head to toe) Patriots (when haven't they made it) Colts (when haven't they made it) Chargers (they got LD): Jaguars (solid team)  

    Best AFC division : AFC South.  Jacksonville, Colts, and Tennesse are all good teams.  both wildcards go to this division.

    Best NFC division : NFC north.  Vikings, Packers, and Chicago are all good teams.  Orton though won't be good enough to carry the Bears into the playoffs.  

    Playoff dont's and why:

    Giants - 4 key losses on D.  Strahan and Shockey are gone.  Manning can't carry this team.

    Sorry Browns - to many injuries. A hurt JJ is really bad

    Sorry Cinicinnati - the passing game carried this team.  To many issues with the WR's this year.  

    Sorry eagles - McNabb is out of his prime.

    Reskins - where is Gibbs?  Gratz on jason Taylor but needs are more then an improved pass rush.

    Bills - team has an improved young team, but the rest of the dvision got better.  Jets got favre.  Dolphins got Parcells. Pats got Lynch.  

    Panthers: rookie Rb and a broken QB.

  2. I will give you my four contenders out of each conference:











    I think the Panthers and Jaguars will surprise a lot of people this year and catch a lot of teams off guard.

  3. jets vs Redskins

  4. Jets v. ???

  5. I think it will be the Packers and the Jets/ or Jaguars.

    I think that even without Brett favre, the Pack can still win their division and make it to the super bowl.  

    If Brett does not get hurt he has a chance to take advantage of the rusty mannings and brady and win the afc.

    Assuming that the madden curse will live on, the Jaguars will pull ahead and make the superbowl.

    i say packers beat both.

  6. broncos and saints

    broncos win

  7. Patriot vs Viking many people think it wont happen BUT MARK MY WORD IT WILL HAPPEN THIS VIKING YEAR

  8. Pats vs Dallas

  9. Eagles vs. cowboys

  10. Colts at Packers!

  11. • NFC

    Tampa Bay(#5) Over Seattle(#4) in Wild Card

    New Orleans(#3) Over Arizona(#6) in Wildcard

    Dallas Cowboys(#1) Over Tampa Bay(#5) in Division

    Vikings( #2) Over New Orleans(#3) in Division

    Dallas Cowboys(#1) Over Vikings(#2) in NFC Championship


    Titans(#3) Over Pittsburgh (#6) in Wild Card

    KC (#5) Over Jets (#4) in Wild Card

    Browns (#1) Over KC (#5) Division

    Titans(#3) Over Chargers (#2) Division

    Browns (#1) Over Titans (#3) AFC Championship

    Super Bowl 43:

    Dallas Cowboys (19-0) 49


    Cleveland Browns (14-5) 17

  12. Bills vs. Vikings or Eagles

  13. New Orleans Saints vs. Colts

  14. Colts vs. Cowboys or Saints

    Colts win it all!

  15. I don't know what some of you are thinking but Brett Favre will not lead the Jets to the Superbowl. I don't see them making the playoffs. Probably New England or the Colts in the AFC and anyone could make it in the NFC being its so weak.  

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