
NFLPA confirms continuation of talks with NFL over introduction of HGH testing – NFL News.

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NFLPA confirms continuation of talks with NFL over introduction of HGH testing – NFL News
The National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) has confirmed the continuation of talks with the NFL office over finding a solution to the issue of introduction of a test for human growth hormone (HGH) in the league’s anti-doping programme.
A labour deal had been reached between the two offices in July 2011 and the NFL office had hoped launching of the programme at some time during past regular season.
Some differences had emerged between them later on, which delayed it and until now, launch of the programme is in pending. The NFL office had accused the NFLPA to be the main reason behind the hurdles in the way to successful introduction of it.
As of the latest the players association has warned the NFL office against the so called bullying its players into the testing of HGH while the issue remains in talks yet.
"No one will bully us into a test," NFLPA executive director DeMaurice Smith said. "No one will force the players to accept something that's unfair. How could we?"
Some reports in the later part of the 2011 season had pointed out at the unnecessary delaying tactics in the way to testing of the players for HGH on part of the NFLPA.
The Association has defended itself time and again and insisted on gathering of new players data and tackling of some other issues before commencement of the testing programme.
The NFL has now hoped that ongoing talks between the two bodies will lead a way towards finding an amicable solution to it and reiterated its desire again at the earliest possible introduction of the testing.
The league spokesman, George Atallah said:
"We have had a tumultuous and event-filled year in the business of football, but it is a great feeling to stand here today knowing that the conversations about our business and our union will not be about how to save them but about the agenda we are looking
to set so we can grow them together."
After a silence of few weeks it is yet again that the issue of HGH testing has come to the limelight. The NFLPA has been made the scapegoat of the delay in its introduction. Besides, the NFL, the World Anti-Doping Agency, has also accused and criticised
the players association of causing delays in the introduction of the plan.
The NFLPA has defended itself against all those accusations in the past and has now insisted again to not allowing the organisations like NFL to bully its players into the testing programme. At the same time it has reiterated its commitment towards finding
an agreeable solution of it.
It is not clear yet if they are likely to reach a decision before commencement of the next (2012) regular season in September this year, and if they are able to agree deal it will be a hallmark achievement for the league office.



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