
NFP Question... could I already be ovulating?

by  |  earlier

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I asked this earlier and thought I would try again...

Ok... I have three children and understand how to recognize the signs of fertility each cycle. My husband and I practice NFP, but this last cycle has thrown me for a loop. My period started on July 28th and ended on Aug. 1st and it was not as long or heavy as usual. Also, I had NO cramps. Anyway, three days later on Aug. 4th I had some spotting... actually is was like a gush of bloody discharge and then the next day I had some more. When I called my doctor the nurse said it was probably just an irregular period this month or I could have had a miscarriage so I took a pg test to make sure i wasn't having a miscarriage and it came back negative.

Yesterday I started having signs of fertile mucus and today I am having more and am crampy. I am a little nervous because this is very unexpected and now if I am ovulating there could be a possibility that I will get pregnant...not a bad thing I just really want to wait to have another if we decide to. IAny NFP experts out there that can help me out? And no, I do not keep track of my BBT and my cycles are usually long.... 32-35 days each month. I have only had 6 or so since my last son was born two years ago.




  1. Weird question..Are you still nursing? That can really throw things off. I would hold off on anything in the bedroom for now, and see what happens. Sometimes, just stress can throw things for a loop, and you may not even realize that you're that stressed..So, hold off and check again when you think that it might be the normal time of ovulation. See what it's like then.

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