
NHL Password?

by Guest57468  |  earlier

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How this works: I will give you a set of words pertaining to an event or moment in NHL history, and you have to tell me the moment I'm thinking of, first to do so gets 10 points.




I will give more words after a while.




  1. How come all your question about hockey relate to death and gore?

  2. was it the golie Clint Malarchuk. it was a game against the sabres and blues and he was golie for the sabres.

    d**n i was a bit too late!

  3. Clint Marlachuk (sp?) getting cut in the throat.

    That was incredibly easy, actually.

  4. its like that show million dollar password with regis philbin

  5. Clint Malarchuk, on March 22, 1989, between the visiting St. Louis Blues and Malarchuk's Buffalo Sabres. Steve Tuttle of the Blues and Uwe Krupp of the Sabres collided at the mouth of the goal, and Tuttle's skate caught Malarchuk on the neck, severing his jugular vein/carotid artery.
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