
NHL Suspends Ducks Owner Samueli after pleading guilty Monday, your thoughts?

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Samueli pled guilty on Monday to one count of making a false statement in front of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and sentencing in Federal District Court is expected to come on August 18. At that time, the league will conduct a review of Samueli's status to decide what, if any, further penalties the NHL should levy against him.

Michael Schulman will serve as the franchise's governor for now!!

Also, what kind of sentence can you get for this and do you think he will get lower sentence (seeing that the man is a billionare)?




  1. Does the NHL really have jurisdiction to penalize somebody for something not related to hockey?

  2. It doesn't effect moi.  He's probably loling about the whole thing .Ohh fine me 12 million I don't care I spend that on golf every yr..(ok maybe not but the dude is filthy rich).

  3. The only people the SEC tend to convict and send to jail are the rich ones..........and they usually insist on heavy penalties.  I think they are usually fines.  

    While I was in Chicago, it seemed like every other week some bigwig at the CBOE/CBOT was getting busted for some crime or another and there was never any jail time that I can remember.

    The NHL's punishment will have nothing to do with the SEC punishment.  If the SEC fines him a couple of million bucks, the NHL suspension could still be anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of years.  It will all depend on what the other 29 owners agree upon.

  4. Can't the LA area have an NHL team without an owner going to jail? The Kings had one a few years back, now the Mighty Dorks.

  5. this is good news for pacific div. fans!! I dont think it has a huge impact on the team though..

  6. i hope this doesn't mess up the team for next year, I want them to win for my last year in SoCal after this season it is off to college for me and who knows if the games will be televised up north

  7. Well, then again, he works for the Ducks.

  8. I don't think it'll have an effect on the team will it? Anything bad that can happen tot he Ducks I'll be happy about since I'm an Oilers fan. Stupid Burke! :)

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