
NHL playoffs?

by Guest55777  |  earlier

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Tell me how you think the Eastern and Western Conference playoffs will finish and you playoff bracket and winners. basically, who will win the Stanley Cup next year and how will they do it (who did they beat)?




  1. Hey, why doesn't anybody have my Leafs at the top of their grid?

    Ok, here's mine:


    1 #8.......

    2 #6

    3 Tampa ...loses to # 6

    4 Montreal # 5 #1 #2

    5 Philly

    6 Boston

    7 NY Rangers

    8 New Jersey


    1 Anaheim ... beats 8 4 7

    2 Detroit ........loses to 7

    3 Minnesota...loses to 6

    4 Dallas 5

    5 Chicago

    6 Calgary

    7 San Jose 2 6

    8 Vancouver


    Montreal beats Anaheim on their 100'th anniversary.

  2. Heres Mine

    Eastern Conference

    (1) Montreal vs (8) Buffalo      Habs in 5

    (2) Pittsburgh vs (7) Tampa Bay  Pens in 4

    (3) Washington vs (6) Ottawa   Caps in 6

    (4) New Jersey vs (5) NY Rangers   Rangers in 6

    Western Conference

    (1) Detroit vs (8) Calgary       Wings in 4

    (2) Dallas vs (7) Chicago       Stars in 5

    (3) Minnesota vs (6) Colorado   Wild in 7

    (4) San Jose vs (5) Anaheim    Ducks in 6



    Pittsburgh vs Washington      Pens in 6

    Montreal vs NY Rangers        Habs in 4


    Detroit vs Anaheim         Wings in 5

    Dallas vs Minnesota        Stars in 6

    Conference Finals


    Montreal vs Pittsburgh      Pens in 7


    Detroit vs Dallas      Stars in 7

    Stanley Cup

    Pittsburgh vs Dallas Pens in 6

    Pittsburgh Penguins Stanley Cup Champions

  3. its a tad early but on paper i guess it shud look like this


    1. Detroit

    2. San Jose

    3. Calgary

    4. Dallas

    5. Vancouver

    6. Chicago

    7. Anaheim

    8. Minnesota


    1. Montreal

    2. Pittsburgh

    3. Washington

    4. New Jersey

    5. Tampa Bay

    6. Ottawa

    7. Philadelphia

    8. New York Rangers

    Round 1


    1. Detroit over 8. Minnesota

    2. San Jose over 7. Anaheim

    6. Chicago over 3. Calgary

    4. Dallas over 5. Vancouver


    1. Montreal over 8. New York Rangers

    2. Pittsburgh over 7. Philadelphia

    3. Washington over 6. Ottawa

    5. Tampa Bay over 4. New Jersey

    Round 2


    1. Detroit over 6. Chicago (tight series)

    2. San Jose over 4. Dallas (tight series)


    1. Montreal over 5. Tampa Bay

    3. Washington over 2. Pittsburgh (very tight series)

    Round 3( conference finals)


    1. Detroit over 2. San Jose


    3. Washington over 1. Montreal (very tight series)

    Stanley Cup Finals

    Detroit over Washington in 5

    Cup Stays in Detroit

    ( they are too good. they kept there core and added hossa which makes them even better. its going to be tuff to stop thm again this year)

  4. Not sure, but I can guarantee that the Penguins will knock your Rangers out of the playoffs AGAIN next year.

    I see the Pens vs. the Red Wings again in the Cup.  To close to call a winner, but Pitt has closed the experience gap.  So I'll give the homer vote.  

    Pens in 6

  5. wow this is waay too early

  6. I think the Wings will be the Cup winner next year to be telling the truth.  They will face the Aves in the Finals and win in 7.

  7. omgggg it's way to early too tell. all's i'm going to say is for the west, the sharks, red wings, ducks, & stars will make it for sure. i want the sharks to win the stanley cup tho (:
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