
NHL: prize for making it to the conference finals?

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does the team that comes in 2nd in the conference finals (not the cup finals) get a reward, like money?




  1. Player salaries are paid based on the regular season only.

    However, each team earns playoff money based on how deep they go.  First round losers get the least amount, second round losers the next rung, and so on.  Similar to baseball, players meet and vote on the number of ways to split this money (called shares).  Typically, they will vote their equipment guy/trainer a full share along with the locker room attendants.  The money is not significant relative to their salaries, but it's more than a toonie.

    So the losing Conference finalists will have earned some playoff revenues, and will likely be voting on shares at some point in the very near future.

  2. nope.

  3. This is there reward:

    Coach: "Good season guys. You played tough and were almost there. I'll see your @$$es next season!"

  4. They get a handshake from the winning team.

  5. NOPE

  6. They get extra money for hosting at least 2 Conference Finals games, and ticket prices go up each round of the playoffs. The players make get a performance bonus. The NHL isn't going to reward them though, what did they do to deserve one. The loser of the Cup doesn't get any prize past being Conference Champion either.

  7. Nope, if you're not first, you're last.

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