
NHL salaries?

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does anyone else find that the salaries are getting redicoulous? lets be serious here Malone, 8 million? definatly not worth that

Malone 8 Million

Gomez 10 Million

Briere 10 Million

Hossa soon to be 8+ Million

are we not getting back into the salaries back before the lockout?




  1. I can understand Lecavaliers contract, he is one of the best in the NHL and should therefore receive the maximum allowed salary.  I wouldnt mind seeing the max percentage of players salaries go down in relation to the salary cap though.  The other guys you listed are definitly over paid though.

  2. I agree... I mean Luongo gets paid $6.75 million a year... Never made it past the second round in his entire career.  Unbelievable.

    At the same time, its a speculator's market in a bankable talent pool.   The demand raises the salaries more than talent.

  3. Malone is going to make less than $4.5M per year over the life of his contract.  It is front loaded so he will make close to the number you noted for a year or two but the more important number is the life of the contract and the cap hit which is the yearly average.

    We have not gotten to pre-lockout numbers but we are getting there.  The big difference is the way the system is now setup though.  The salaries are now tied to the profit the league is making.  Previously, if a team paid a player a sick number and the player was a bust or the league lost money, the owners took the full loss.  The players have to put up a portion of their salaries in the event that the NHL takes a step backwards financially.

    The reason for the lockout was to provide cost certainty.  They have that and the players will earn what the market can bear as a result.  Hypothetically, if the league is earning enough money, a $50M salary for one player is a possibility.

  4. "DiPietro, Rick 4.5 million for the next 10 years"

    i thought it was a 15 year contract

    and i know the stars players are getting paid but morrow and ribero are worth it

  5. some players are greedier than others in the fact that they arent that good and they demand huge amounts of money, like jagr right now has a 35 million dollar offer from russia, BUT he would rather stay in NY for less money and more years, or Malkin rejected a big offer from russia and settled for a lot less money and hes playing secong fiddle to crosby.

    whereas avery doesnt want anything less that like 4-5 million dollars.

  6. Considering how the cap continues to rise, most teams are finding themselves where they were beforehand. Essentially, that year off was a pretty big waste.

    The only consolation I can give is that the NHL contracts these days are similar to those in the NFL, where they're loaded on the front end, when the team can better afford to fit in their salary. So Malone will make about half of his overall 7-year salary in his first 2 years, when the Lightning aren't paying for as much in other people. Then, a few years down the road, his salary will drop into a much more normal range. The same thing goes for Briere. And for Gomez, well, the Rangers have always been ones to try and buy everyone...but 2 or 3 playoff appearances in the last decade hasn't really shown any results.

  7. all sports people are overpaid! crosby signed a 5 year contract with the penguins for 43.5 million dollars!!!

  8. A lot of sports players are WAY overpaid. Yet they don't think they make enough. I think they are way to selfish.

  9. Malone makes 7 mil this year and 8 mil the following year.  He just did that as insurance to make sure he gets paid in his contract in case something would happen to his career later on down the road.  His last few years under contract are just going to be around 2.5 million, which is still overpaying for him.

  10. I think people going to war should get paid that, I agree it is ridiculous.

  11. If you think these salaries are too high, do you realize that by spending money on tickets, parking and concessions that you are paying these players salaries??? By buying all the team gear that you buy, you are paying these players salaries?? Since these high paid players make in a week, what I make in a year, I will be damned if I am paying $75 for a ticket, $10 for parking, and $8.50 for a beer. I will pay $40 for my directv and $8.50 for a six pack of good beer, and watch them at home. So then they can make whatever they want, because it isnt my cash in their pockets......

  12. Hard for the average working man to comprehend but they'd be in the poverty section in baseball or basketball.

  13. welcome to the new nhl boy

  14. It couldn't be wrong because we all suffered through a lockout and ended up with a salary cap to stop out of control GM's in their bidding wars.  And that cap has just gone up as it has every year since the lockout.  I'm sure it is going up for the same reason given last year, the Canadian teams sell out all their games for the entire season at prices significantly higher than US rinks.  The seat prices skyrocketed when the Canadian dollar was weak, but it is par now and the prices did not come down - still sell out.  (I laugh when it is asked why US rinks are empty for any given game and the answer is the prices are too high.)

    So, all the people you list.  Yeah, probably over paid, because they aren't the ones contributing to the Canadian Team Sell Outs, and under the microscope like players in real hockey towns.

  15. no players worth that much when the cap is 56 that means that briere is holding more that 1/6th of the flyers cap.

    there was a question asking who the most over played players are? i answered briere and got allot of thumbs down ... o well

  16. Yup.

    Crosby, Sidney 9 million

    Heatley, Dany 10 million

    Spezza, Jason 8 million

    Alfredsson, Daniel 5.4 million

    Phaneuf, Dion 7 million

    DiPietro, Rick 4.5 million for the next 10 years
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