I dont know if this nightmare even means anything. I know it's not a food dream b/c i ate no food or anything before i went to sleep. I went to bed upset about my friend not being able to come to my school this year.Nothing really bad has suddenly happened other then my friend moving away which really upset me... he moved back after a while but i was disappointed in the fact i will not see him in school when i was finally reunited with him. I think this fueled the dream. And the car the my dad was in an accident with (which u'll read later) is not my fear of an accident... (that car is the one i used to move away all the time in and it holds alot of unpleasant memories. i feel it's a representation of being abandoned... or left behind. I think this might help with anyone who can interpret this sudden nightmare.
Anywayz.This is what happened. Me and my family. (sisters,mom.. dad not there) Are in our old Chrysler (the one that my dad got in a car accident in long time ago) (he lived... just saying) . Anywayz my mom was looking for a parking space in some big parking lot... as we are looking around i see wrecked airplanes and some airplanes crashing into the parked cars just falling out of the sky and some burning. I'm not worried about it. But when my mom tried to park, I said "why don't you park over there, (around the corner) where there are no planes coming down on?" and my mom says "okay... u can park it" She gets out of the drivers seat and i'm behind the wheel. I start driving the car very fast down to where i wanted to park... I suddenly hit the brakes and do a doughnut in the car. I stop the car and my family gets in the car. I ask" what if i just drove this car really fast and made it drift? No one answered. My mom is suddenly in the drivers seat... adn we're in the car we drive now (a van). As my mom tries to park at the first parking space in front of the big building we're at.. I see a short black lady (short hair kinda old very skinny) waving her fist at us. My mom parks the car really fast as Im trying to tell her to just ignore that lady... and that we just parked in a no parking zone (or handicap thing... watever i cant really remember) My mom ignores me and opens her door to confront the lady (who is next to the car now.. still yelling and waving her fist). I exit the car behind my mom (afraid of what's gonna happen (my mom would never do this is real life... she'd probably ignore her and leave)) The lady tries to attack my mom saying my little sister threw her shoe at her. I yell "that isn't true!" (i never saw my sister do that from the backseat) I spot her shoe on the ground though and pick it up. I'm still not convinced my sister did that. The lady comes after me and takes me by my shoulders and shakes me. Her eyes turn green (like a light dingy green in ALL her eyes... she looked kinda demonic like that) She's yelling which sounds like demonic screeching. I grab her arms and shake her back. I spit in her face and yell "LEAVE ME ALONE!!! " Her face looks surprised and she stops yelling... Then i wake up.
Any ideas? Most details gets beat answer. Thank you. =)