
NO Gloves in food preparation?

by  |  earlier

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I hate going into a resturant and watching food being prepared and no one has gloves on and touching my food. My question is; How can we improve the quality of food preparation without making them mad? (which may lead to my food being taken to the back -- and other things added - if you get my drift.)




  1. I'm much more likely to overlook the "non gloves" issue at a very fancy restaurant with a chef.  Those people know hygeine.  Now take ANY fast food joint and you see the help handling money, using spray cleaner, taking out rubbish,...  They are wearing gloves and don't change the gloves as they go back to PREPARING YOURS AND MY FOOD!!!  The much better restaurants have less of an issue with that.  I'm with you.

  2. Gloves can be as dirty as figures

  3. Gloves can be just as dirty as hands. I've seen people do non food related things with their gloves on and not change them.  Be choosy where you go. Some people say only go where you can see the food being prepared. I read an article in Knoxville's paper about cops and they only go where they can see their food being prepared. Subway is great. They change gloves after making your food and before.

  4. eat at home

  5. just eat at places where you know everyone uses gloves, or you just can't see what's going on in the kitchen.

    What you don't know probably won't hurt you.

  6. Yuck!!  I bet they all wash their hands after using the restroom too, yeah right

  7. most resturants require the use of gloves while preparing food. The board of health insist on it here in New York State, check to see if it is in your state.

  8. I never send food back at a restaurant, I know what they do when you do. Food service workers are supposed to wash their hands often, they should be clean. They should have taken the class to get a Food Handlers Card.

  9. yes you right...when i told them they said we washed our hands .washing won't clean your hands...only bleach will kill the germs..

    of course if you want to have clean hands. then i guest you have to use a some bleach too...

    germs won't wash out with just a soap and water...

  10. that's disgusting! the workers at McDonald's NEVER wash there hands and that creeps me out. We could probably stop it by going to other resteraunts

  11. I got bad news for you. I've worked in a ton of different restaurants and not one of them required people to wear gloves. most of them had either hand sanitizer sprays or dips near the prep areas however.

    Seriously though, it's not the in-kitchen sanitation that you need to worry about so much as the sanitation conditions in the factories that process the food. That's where most e-coli and other outbreaks have been sourced to. I know this first hand as well, as my current job is in the food manufacturing industry. Chances are you've eaten something i've made. And so far we haven't had one product recall for contamination. But the same can't be said for alot of other companies, particularly in the meat industry.

    Bottom McDonalds you have a handful of people cooking a few hundred burgers a night who may or may not be practicing good sanitation.

    At the plant that produced the frozen patties however, their producing tens of thousands of patties a day in an industrial factory where i GUARANTEE they aren't practicing as good of sanitation as your buddies at Mickey D's.

  12. you have trust issues...

  13. dont eat there ,if they dont have enough respect for the customer to not use gloves in front of the customers, you can imagine what goes on it the back.

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