
NO my daughter is NOT Jonbenet, what the HECK!!!

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My daughter is five years old, and she is soo precious to me. Everytime we go places people constantly give me compliments about her, but also they compare her to the little ramsey girl that died. This is sooo frustrating to me, because its like EVERYONE says that she looks like her. Some of you may be thinking, what is this person's problem??? But its very uncomfortable for me to hear that all the time, maybe it would be different if it was the girl from the brady bunch (nobody in particular, but you know what I mean right?) .I want to flip because its all the time!!! What do I do? Its not like these people come up to me on a daily basis because they are just people we pass by in stores, resturants etc. Could you imagine if I were to flip out?? They wouldn't know why. I dont know, what should I do next time someone says it? i dont even see the resemblence!!!




  1. If these are just strangers that you pass into stores and the market, I would just let it slip. You will probably never meet them again. What happened to Jonbenet was tragic - and you are just thinking back on the actual event. I don't think people mean any harm by it. Jonbenet was an adorable little girl -- and they are just commenting on physical traits here. I am sure in a number of years that the comments will die down anyway. It is probably inevitable since Jonbenet's picture was all over the news, but sometimes people really just blurt out their first reactions without thinking.

    I doubt that many people that you are close to will continuously bring this up. But, if so, talk to them in private and let them know that those comments are sad to you because it brings back the awful news stories that you've read. I am sure they will stop then.

  2. oh goodness, it is tough for you.  To have your child being compared to a little girl who lost her life so violently.  what a thing to be reminded of!!

    I could suggest you change your child's hairstyle, or the way she dresses to detract from the similarity.  You could respond to those people with what you, yourself, said... You could say "Funny, I don't see it, I think she looks more like Cindy Brady" or whoever...  Get those people to stop looking at your daughter in the sad light of a little dead girl.

    When she gets a little older these comments may actually harm her a little bit, especially if she catches on that JonBenet is not with us anymore.  

    I wish you luck with the callous people who just speak without thinking.


  3. hmmmm.......maybe it's not a compliment.  A lot of people frowned on that poor child's mother for highlighting her hair and putting makeup on her at an age when little girls shouldn't be worried about that stuff.   Maybe they're not only telling you that she's pretty, maybe they're also telling you to let her go outside and play and get dirty.  

  4. You already asked this.. it sounds like you are obsessed with this or something.

    Just get her a T-shirt that says " NO I am not that Ramsey kid"

  5. This doesn't directly answer your question, but some people say that I resemble a certain celebrity (who, by the way, is also deceased now).  My standard response is, "Oh, I'm better looking than him."  It's intended to be a putdown, but most of the time, they don't get it.

    And no matter what you say, I don't think people will get it about your daughter, either.  I think I'd be inclined to say something like, "We see the resemblance, but we don't talk about that."  Maybe they'll take the hint, although I wouldn't count on it.

  6. say something like "thank you, i think she is beautiful too" because it is really a compliment to be compared to a beauty queen  

  7. why are you flipping out? calm down. she was a pretty girl and they mean it as a compliment, get over it I guess or don't take your daughter out, it's pretty simple.  

  8. Some sort of rant ....well i have news for you that girl was beautiful and NO your right i bet she doesn't look like her, every parent think their kid is precious NOT JUST YOU so get over yourself

  9. Why have you asked this three times ... you know shes not her ..get over it  

  10. Ummm the girl was cute take it as a compliment and move on.......

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