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And vice versa?




  1. A few non-verbal means of intimidation used by men but also by some women

    Throwing or breaking objects, slamming doors, banging a fist on a table (one of my ex father in law's favorite ways to try to control the dinner conversation!)

    Doing that tongue gesture thing that resembles conningulus (not sure of spelling on that one..but I know it's VERY rude)

    "Gaslighting" a person...this means deliberately misplacing items so that the person can't find them, then when the person is completely confused or frustrated putting the item back in place as if the item had always been there...and doing this repeatedly

    Doing the "elevator eyes" thing like a person is being sized up.

    Attempting to read mail, and leaving evidence the mail had been tampered with.  

    Passing threatening communications...either by snail mail or more commonly email, or stalking people's posts at message boards and chatrooms, stalking their myspace or facebook pages.

    Emailing sexually explicit or "shock" pictures...or sending links to websites that show those things.

    If you're working at a reception desk, the person leans waaay over the desk to attempt to make themselves look physically bigger than they actually are.  In those cases, I always stand up to my full height to show I will not be intimidated by some pushy salesman.

    Bosses who stand closely behind a person as they work.

    Attempts to give unwanted massages or hugs

    "Accidentally" rubbing against an individual in a way that is overtly or covertly sexual or is trying to cause sexual arousal in another person.

    When conversing, someone positioning oneself in such a way to where a person feels blocked in so the person cannot easily walk away from a conversation that they find unpleasant without causing a scene.  Sometimes people will stand in front of a restroom to confront a person and make it to where they can't go cases of really mean people doiing elder abuse the intent is to make the person have an "accident" and cause embarrassment.

    Staring or leering at people's body parts (breast, crotch) rather than at their faces...which is very RUDE to boot!

    Staring at them while they are attempting to consume a meal (this one is commonly used in high school when irls are attempting to intimidate/bully other girls but it can be done by/to either gender)

    Driving by a person's house repeatedly after a breakup.

    Sending flowers after a breakup when it has been made plain they are not wanted nor appreciated!

    ANY sort of stalking type behaviors.

    Continued long term silence and/or pointedly ignoring a person when the person attempts to talk to them...but then becoming overly animated and friendly to another person when they enter the room...while continuing to "ignore" the person they wish to intimidate.

  2. Here's one.

    Grab! her by the shirt collar, while lifting her heals off the floor , while clinching a vein popping fist a couple of inches from her head !

    Would that work ?

  3. Leering, groping, obscene gestures, the insidious "shoulder massage"... eech!!!

    They have a veritable arsenal of rehearsed techniques guaranteed to creep any woman out.

  4. In light of sexual harassment rulings, a man merely has to look in a woman's direction to INTIMIDATE that frail & delicate vessel.

  5. Pointless.  

    Women are easily intimidated and offended if guy A(less attractive) does something but if she finds guy B attractive it is less offensive or more of a "turn-on".

            Same is true for guys for the most part.

    There is no way to generalize something like this. It is just a mater of personnel taste.

  6. To turn up to a conference on male victims of domestic violence

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