
NORMAL SYMPTOMS [5 weeks preggo] advice mothers to be. and mothers please.* [=?

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i found out i was pregnant four days aqo since thats when i

missed my period..took five pregnancy test all POSITIVE [=

veryyy happyyy. but since im new to this.. and im 18.. [yes i know

what people are going to say im to young... blah blah okay]

im 4 or 5 weeks pregnant i believe since my last period was 7/31/08

ive been havinq..

-on and off cramps.. in my lower stomach.. not to painful

jus feel like period cramps.. no bleeding.. or spotting at all

- having alittle bit of a vaginal discharge.. white..

-back pains.. not to pain ful [like period symptoms.. like i feel

like im on my period but obvs. im not]

normal ?

are the cramps somethinq i should worry about

cause i am.. since thats a miscarriage symptom

as well.. very scared. but some girls told me its

okay its jus my uterus expanding.. waht do you think

did this happen to you,




  1. its all very normal, the cramping is implantation, you will probably feel cramping for a while and even a little spotting is normal. i no its scary because these are all signs of a miscarriage, i no, i had one a year ago next month. if you do have some spotting and it stops your fine, if it doesn't and you continue to cramp you might be having a miscarriage. but im sure you'll be fine. by the way i am happy to say that i am 28 weeks pregnant with my first child! good luck!

  2. at your age things do not go wrong often but you need to be getting good prenatal care .  It is very important for you and the baby it will keep you calm knowing what is happening in your body and how the baby is growing and what to expect.

  3. Ask your dr i had them when i was having a uti.  

  4. the cramps is not common but this can happen with girls that misscariage, i suggest see your doctor and get it all checked out and hey 18 is the perfect age to be pregnant, your at your fittest and bubs will appreciate it later on in life, just get the rest of life aspects together before bubs comes so life wont be hard on you two

  5. Cramps like those that you are experiencing are nothing to worry about. I went through them up until my 4th month its just your uterus stretching. Cramps could be a sign of miscarriage but as long as your not bleeding then its okay. I would call your doctor and ask..I always call my doctor with what I think are the stupidest questions, but there are no stupid questions when it comes to your baby. Yes, it sounds like your pregnant, Congratulations!

  6. Soak in a nice warm tub and see if this helps at all if not then go buy some tiger balm at walgreens or a healthfood store and rub on the areas of pain, if it doesnt get better see your dr this could be signs of miscarriage but i doubt it, just relax and try not to stress...i know its hard but try not to

  7. I think you are fine... cramping is normal throughout the pregnacy... unless your hav severe cramping and bleeding you hav nothing to worry bout... if you are really worried however go see your doctor and ask him/her but im sure your fine... congrads  

  8. best answer i can give, check out web md. as the uterus grows with the baby it can cause pain. If it is severe, call dr, or go to er. web md can be really helpful or just do a search, there are alot of sites out there which can explain in more detail what your body is going through now. And CONGRATS!!!  

  9. I had cramps, it felt like I was going to start my period. I had every symptom of a period except the period lol. So it sounds normal, as long as your cramps aren't too painful and you aren't bleeding. I had discharge as well, you'll have that throughout your pregnancy, so get used to it=) Invest in the light days pads now unless you want all your undies ruined haha. Congrats and best wishes!

  10. A lot of women experience spotting, cramping and increased discharge during pregnancy. Each pregnancy is different, the best thing would be to keep positive and schedule your first ob appointment.

    and who cares if you are 18, as long as you are prepared to be a mother, no one has a right to pass judgment.

    Good luck

  11. Totally normal. You sound alright to me. If you have cramping and bleeding, go to the hospital - it's not a sure sign of miscarriage though. It's happened to me twice so far and we're okay.

    Your symptoms really kick in at around the 8 week mark.

    You're probably going to get pain in your hips too. I'm 6 months pregnant and I think my hip pain was much worse at around the 8 week mark compared to today. Be prepared to get VERY sleepy too!

    Are you taking folic acid yet? Grab some from the chemist if not. Congratulations and good luck. Next thing you know, you'll be a trillion months pregnant!

  12. hi.. well im in the same shoes as you just age difference.. im 16 so dont feel bad about young people.. are you keeping yours or planning to adoption or absortion.. hit me back.. well, hope things get better sorry..

  13. I had all the same symptoms, I asked my doc and my mother, they both said its normal.  The uterus is just stretching.  As long as they feel like very mild menstrual cramps, you should be ok.  But be mindful of them and tell your doc right away if they get worse or if you experience spotting/bleeding.  

    As I'm sure you already know, the first three months are very critical.  Relax, don't stress, eat well, take some nice walks and exercise.  This is your time, so enjoy it!  Good luck with the pregnancy!

  14. I am16 and so is my gf we r preg ! And yes yes varry happy =D she has all the same things u r talking about so I think ur good ;)

  15. It's normal.  I had a bit of cramping too, it goes away.  You will bleed if you have a miscarriage.  You will start to feel a world of things that are pperfectly normal.  I got swollen feet, increased apiptite, stomach pain, back pain, a pain in your hips(kind of feels like your hips are going to pop out of thesides) dizziness, nausea, fatigue, heartburn, and urge to eat some disgustng things. Congratualtions!

  16. well i didn't find out i was pregnant until i was about 7 weeks, and during the couple weeks before when i was thinking i could be pregnant i don't remember feeling any different from any other day (when not on my period)

    i'm still pregnant i'm 25 weeks today yea..this isn't my first pregnancy but this is going to be my first baby. last year i had an abortion cause i thought i had everything going good n i felt like i wasn't really ready and the same with my boyfriend.we were only 17 both just turned 17 but yea even then i don't really remember feeling that then either.

    but every pregnancy is different and not every girl gets the same symptoms.

    just go to the doctors and they can let you know everything.

    your doctor should be able to tell you wither or not its normal or not and they should be able to answer all the questions you have. then when they get you set up with everything you need to be set up with they can listen and have you listen to your baby's heart.

    it seems to me like they can tell allot by that.

    good luck

    i think every-things alright

    i don't think you should worry

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