
NOSEJOB please help??? (pictures)?

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So basically a load of people say I shouldn't have a nose job or even think about having one. But recently I've become really self conscious and quite obsessive about the size of my nose. I know there are people out there with way bigger issues than the size of there nose so don't lecture on me about being self centered, because to me it is quite a big deal.

and yes I know surgery seems such a drastic thing to do - which I understand not everyone agrees with, but it would only be a slight change and having it done would help my confidence tons!

Anyway, here is a picture of the profile of my face so you can decide for yourself. Just be honest about it because you are all entitled to an opinion :)

in case you can't visualise me with another nose I have been really insanely obsessive and photo shopped my nose to how I would kill for it to be...please do voice your opinions!




  1. Claire you are a lovely young woman the way you are.  You want to see a SHNOZ?  Check out Barbara Streisand's. And I think she is GORGEOUS!

  2. Honey, You are very attractive the way the good Lord made you.

  3. Yeah, as a guy I can say that I think you're really attractive as you are.

    But, obviously I can only speak for myself.  The important thing is how you feel about yourself and how much this would improve your self esteem.  If you're super ashamed of the way you look and can't even imagine guys liking you because of the way you (think) you look, then of course it would make sense to try it.

    On the other hand if it's just something annoying that kind of bothers you but doesn't really hinder you socially then I really don't think there's any need to do anything like that.

    Mainly it's what you feel comfortable with.  It's your body, and if it really bothers you, then go for it.  

    Just be aware that, from what I understand (I know this because I'm having a deviated septum corrected and have met with doctors) you're going to be really sore (especially) the day after you get it done and probably even longer (for you) because they'll actually be re-shaping it... so long as you can deal with the pain, and you really feel like you ened it done, then I guess I don't see a lot of reason to not do it...

    If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't, because I think you're fine as is.

  4. i think that your nose is fine, dont get all drastic and get a nose job

  5. No you don't need one there ain't nothing wrong with it!

  6. I cant really tell any difference between the two pics. I dont see anything wrong with your nose but if your not happy with it and you think it will make u happier to have a nose job, go for it. u look perfectly fine the way u are tho =)

  7. you really shouldnt obsess so much about your natural nose and dont allow other people to make you feel self concious either. personally, i think you are a really good looking girl just the way you are. i can tell you have spent some time stressing over this but dont. especially if this has never bothered you before.

    Here, answer my question?;...

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