
NOT RACIST: why do chinese/japanese (and other races) have 'slits' for eyelids compared to ppl from the West?

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Not trying to be racist or nothing, it is a fact though that chinese and japanese eyelids look very different different to Americans eyelids (referring the the thinner, 'slit' appearence) just wondering if its an evolutionary thing, if something in that part of the world requires different facial features or something?

Thanks and please dont take this as offensive, I'm ignorant in this subject and just want to learn and understand why and what makes us different.




  1. I'm not sure but all i know is that it is because of the food they eat, that ginormous amount of rice and weird meats and sea stuff. It seems that their diet makes more changes in a man's appeareance than any other thing! But as well there are legends that say that the first chinese man or japanese was injured in some way by a mystical dragon and got the eye-slits thing...nmot mother says they are like that because the rice constipates them so hard they go like EYYHHHH and EHHH in the toilet...and they compress their eyes like h**l:))) watteva what i'm sure is that it's from the FOOD

  2. <----Are you talking about me?

    We are build difference than Black and White people :)

  3. I would venture that this was an evolutionary trait that developed as human population went across deserts and rather cold climates, to better protect the eyes.

    (I'm not racist either, I married an Asian lady; I like her eyes)

  4. Depend on level of IQ. People with high IQ > no fold on eyelids. Lower IQ > fold on eyelids.

    This is my own theory. Don't take my answer too seriously! LOL

  5. Definitely genetic. The 'slit' you are referring to must be the amount of layers of eyelid they had, as we say in Asia. If you have double eyelids, then you don't really have slits...if you have just a single layer, then you have a 'slit'. Generally, though, in the entertainment world, people like double-eyelids more, as it makes their eyes seem bigger, hence the amount of Korean celebs undergoing plastic surgery to fix their eyelids.

  6. Evolution and genetics.

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