
NOT SURE IF im getting paid enough i watch 4 kids there ages are 4 7 8 and 11?

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i cook clean there whole house laundry ... is 8 dollars an hour enough ive been working for her for about a year now im 15




  1. i don't think it's enough cause of the amount of things you have to do, even doe you make more than some people you still have to watch the kids feed, the kids and clean up after the kids.

    good luck

  2. While $8 does not seem like a lot, it is the equivalent of getting paid much more at a regular job since you aren't paying taxes on it. I hope you are eating there, too, and while that may not seem like much, think what it saves your family. Has it been the same for a year? It is time to ask for a raise. Also, was cooking, cleaning, and laundry part of the original deal? You might want to cut back on that if taking care of the kids is getting to be a handful and eating up your time more. Do you have time to do your homework when your school is in session? The older ones are going to become more self reliant as time goes on but the 4 year old is a handful.

  3. i'd ask for 10. doing all that is just your job and how you spend your time but 4 kids is difficult i get 5 for one kid

  4. it is a good job ...but not sure if it is fitting for a 15 yr old. 4 kids is alot for anyone, let alone someone barely older than they are. BUT...$8 an hour is good for ya

  5. $8.00 is like the minimum wage for an adult now. If you have been working as hard as you say, and as long as you say, you are working pretty hard for minimum wage, 15 years old or not. Talk to the parents. Maybe things can be worked where it makes you feel better. Communication is the key to this one.

  6. It's all relative.  If you feel like it's enough, then it's enough.  If you don't feel like it's enough, then it isn't.  If they can't afford to pay you more, then that's as good as it's going to get.  If they can afford to give you a raise, then ask nicely.

  7. h**l no its not, baby sitting is about 15$ ALONE, your being a NANNY for them, you should get double that if not more....i make more then that and all i have to do is sit on a chair, get a tan and watch some people and make sure they don't drown

  8. I agree with laura....she sd just what i wanted to say....

  9. how long do you work for?.....well just know that for a kid is like 100 dollars and stuff that how my mom paids them and thats wat they ask ffor in a babysittin job

  10. Sadly, there are adults making less than that amount of money hourly.  I think for a 15-year-old $8 hourly is fine.  They shouldn't expect you to have the house spotless for that money, but it is a reasonable rate.

    Remember your pay comes out of their wages, and they have a large family to support.  $8 hourly may be all they can afford to pay you.  If you don't like it, you could babysit for a wealthier family.  You can only expect to be paid what others can afford to pay you.

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