
NOT drilling for oil in ANWAR...Environmentalists to the rescue?

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I have heard the theory that we have as much oil in Alaska than in the entire middle east (although not as easily accessible), and that we are simply waiting to drain the ME dry before we start drilling and reaping the profits. Given today's oil prices, which most likely will go up, are we just waiting for the right time to strangle the world oil market to make a buck, or do the Environmentalists really care about the caribou? Are they our financial saviors?




  1. Yes they are. We will all be eating the Caribou when there is no more food left or when milk and bread get to be $3000 each due to the price of fuel.

  2. They are trying to restrict free enterprise more than anything else. They don't care any more about the caribu or the polar bears than any of us do.

    This is what angers me, 5 years ago, congress voted to keep anwar closed because it would be 5 years before any oil would begin flowing. 5 YEARS IS NOW!!!!!

  3. The funny thing is that most environmentalists have never even been to Alaska and have NOT seen the ANWR. What they dont mention is how the migrating herds of caribou go right past the Trans Alaska pipeline like it's not even there. The oil rigs on the North Slope are completely ignored by the wildlife and there's been no significant impact on the breeding habits, survival or behavior of wildlife because of drilling in Alaska.

    I live here in Alaska. I've seen the pipeline and I've seen caribou herds that number in hundreds of thousands. If the environmentalists want to say they fear that a potential oil disaster would hurt the caribou I might buy that. When they say that drilling will kill off all wildlife in ANWR I have to call BS!!!!!.

  4. It makes good sense in the long term to use the ME oil first

      We have the third largest oil reserves in the world and we are the fifth largest exporter of oil in the world. These two facts should tell everyone that the reason the oil prices are so high in the U.S. is because of the manipulation of the oil and gas refineries to create a shortage of refined oil by the oil companies thereby driving up the prices. Money in our society is power and no company has more then the oil companies. They call the shots and control the politicians.

      We are going under for the sake of big profits for the oil companies.

  5. that isn't working too well in the Florida straits. the environmentalists stopped U.S. oil company's from drilling there off the Florida coast. but now China is tapping into the same oil field from off shore Cuba.

    I hope they sell us some of our own oil.

  6. In the '70's a number of companies looked for oil there.    At the time they didn't find enough to make it cost effective in the areas searched.   The huge fields talked about are just wishful thinking spouted by our government to make us not worry about the future.   Almost half of the oil going through Valdez, AK is going to Asia now.   Your tax dollars built the pipeline and China is getting the oil while you get pretty much nothing.   May as well wait until we really are desperate for it so maybe the government will restrict the sale of north slope oil to the US only.

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