
NOT fishing for compliments?

by  |  earlier

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about 125 lbs.

size 3-4

my sister is




size 2-3

i swim competitively

i eat pretty healthy, junk food once in a while

however, my mom thinks i don't eat enough and that i am wayy too skinny. yesterday she started yelling at me because my pants were starting to get very loose, and she would not take me to buy new pants, or even belts...

she will also yell at me when i tell her i am not hungry after a swim practice (its just that after swallowing all that chlorine, and swimming for 2 hrs, i can't think about food)

i want an honest i need to put on more weight, or lose it?

and how would i put on weight in a healthy way??




  1. stay the way you are

  2. Dont listen to yhurr mom

    yhurr size is finee

  3. Maybe you could put on a pound or two. But do it by eating healthy fats, like avacado or cheese. Dont fill up on junk food, and you will be good to go.

  4. thats how my mom is! just ignore her and eat when your hungry! but if you wanna gain weight just try to snack more on healthy foods

  5. As long as your eating healthly I wouldn't worry about your weight. Although you are pretty skinny at 14 yur body is still growing and you are still quite short. The only thing I could say to you is always eat three meals a day and make sure you don't just not eat on purpose, as long as you eat when you are hungry then thats just fine because your body knows how much food you need. Just tell your mom that you'll try and eat more but your going to eat as much as you can,you shouldn't push yourself to eat.

  6. omg ur fine....ur sis mite need to gain some weight though

    but both of you are average

    it just depends on ur build

    stay the way u are........and ur a very fit person

    just tell ur mom that u are fine and if she needs any more assurance ask to take u to a doctor and the doc will tell ur mom ur fine

  7. You should be eating a good meal since you are so active.  Maybe wait a while when you get home from practice then it.  It's really important to get enough protein since you are so active.

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