
NOW do you think there will be more interest in a national rail system?

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NOW do you think there will be more interest in a national rail system?




  1. National Rail, water????

    Where are you?

    If you are in Australia, a National Rail System is now an exhausted pipe dream - too far - tyranny of distance gets Australia all the time - too bl@@dy expensive.

    Look, eventually people will not be able to afford to commute by car, and will have to work closer to home, or use public transport - trains, trams, LNG/LPG Buses (like in Sydney), hybrid and electric cars (if they develop enough to overcome our tyranny of distance).

    I commute 120 km each way each day; by trains and tram, and patronage has increased immensely, almost day by day as the cost of fuel (petrol/gas) sky-rockets.

    I saw a beautiful postcard at the weekend which showed the whole of Eurpoe superimposed over Australia, and at a guess, only 40% of the giant dry brown land down under was covered by the colours of all the countries of Europe COMBINED.

    if you are in Oz, a national rail system will take years to implement/re-implement.  Just think of we used to have decades ago - almost all gone, now.  Infrastructure in ruins.....

  2. Yes, I think there will be.  But the oil companies and the car manufacturers in Detroit (with help from the airlines) will see to it that it doesn't get built.

  3. that depends... how long will the new water energy be kept surpressed by our government?

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