
NOw Ive heard GLobal warming is a hoax,what i want to know then what is causes these weird weather changes?

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I ve heard global wamring is a hoax..... so the government can make money and lead to a new world order.. ive heard so many things(not saying im right,or their right)...but what I want to know..if global warming doesn't exist then what is it that is causes the weather to change its june11 here in southern california and last night three was a drizzle ...and it was cold and windy , the last 21 years ive been alive june 11th has NEVER been what is it then??? Why the weird weather? ive also heard about a theory which the earth is going to be in the middle of the axis ..or milky way and there going ot be some magnetic force ...and were seeing the effects of the climat now.... Someone shed some light on the subject thanks




  1. Climate change.

    One brings about the "new world order" through trade agreements and propagandized wars and prepared acts (claiming they just wrote a 1000 page law in one day)  i.e. the Patriot act.

  2. It is a hoax and we may be headed toward Global Cooling. Nature will not it stay the same.

  3. Weather fluctuates for many reasons, and even the best scientists can not predict all the variables.   It could be natural cycles of heat loss, solar activity changes in the sun, natural atmospheric changes,  jetstream and ocean current changes, etc.   The earth goes through Ice Ages and warming periods anyway.

    The real question is how much of the current warming period is because of human activity?

  4. I`ve been on this earth long enough to know that weather patterns come and go. GW is not a hoax, and is not new at all. It has been here through out time. It is not something we can control completely, only god has the most power to do that.

    We can change the small part we have in it though, but probably won`t amount to much. We can plant a halacious amount of trees and vegetation to clean more of the air. But then we have to watch that too, because we can then OD on excessive amounts of oxygen. Anything over 21% is toxic to us. 60% of the air is nitrogen, just look up to the sky, all that blue is nitrogen reacting to the ultraviolet rays. Perhaps we can have a duplicate planet by planting trees in a nitrogen rich planet out there, to produce enough oxygen to sustain life and then one of our political parties can move there and bring peace and harmony to all.

  5. The new world order is alive and growing using global warming as it's Trojan horse.

    Here is a revelation-The earth's climate is dynamic, not static.

  6. You just now heard that AGW (Anthropological Global Warming) may be a hoax?!?

    Have you ever heard of El Nino / La Nina  or taught by teachers?  Weather is a function of cool/warm oceans - Warmer Oceans = Warmer Air;;; Cooler Oceans = Cooler Air.

    The Relationship of the PDO to El Nino and La Nina Frequency:

    La Nina Tornado Season Continues to Roll On:

    If their plans to totally destroy our economy succeeds - it will be more than a hoax.  

    First big event you should see is - Bankruptcy's of Air Passenger services - Last one before total Anarchy is - destroyed Trucking Industry = No Foods = War in the Streets = Population Control.

    "the ATA said. Soaring benchmark oil and jet fuel prices have helped to push 24 global airlines into bankruptcy since January"

  7. Weather's always "weird" and besides, your observed difference is that it was colder, not warmer.

    Oh right, I know, it's "climate change" now and it really means it could be warmer, colder, wetter, drier - not just "global warming" which means warmer - - - which, of course, they've been saying since it was no longer deniable that it had stopped getting warmer......

    I generally don't believe people who change their story, and these guys have changed it quite frequently.

  8. E T has called home.

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