
NRHH ? Can you believe this has already happend?

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KUSA-TV ( a Denver TV station) is reporting that Denver authorities arrested a gang of white males who could have been plotting an Obama assassination! What seemed to be a routine traffic stop turned into a lot more when the officer turned up two rifles, high-powered scopes, ammo and crystal meth. But wait that's not it the man then led authorities to a hotel where another suspect jumped out of a fourth floor window in an attempt to escape and a third guy was busted at another hotel.

All bad . thoughts ? You think this will not be the last time this may occur?




  1. It may not be the last time some tries this, but the secret service is prepared for any and all attempt (because of Barack's heritage), but if something happens to Barack...Blacks are not going to take it lightly. It will be the L.A. riots 10x.

  2. I'm actually surprised it took this long to occur.  Not only does Obama have to fight off crazy conservatives, but he receives equal flack from Pro-Clinton liberals.

    There is a lawsuit pending, (where else but Philly), by a Pro Clintonite to try and stop Obama from attending the National Convention.  They are actually seeking a restraining order again Barack.  Ain't that some S**t??

  3. SIGH..... It just shows that ignorance is alive and well.. That's sick.  It would be great if that was the only time someone would do something like that, but sadly, I think we'll see more stories like that..

  4. Stuff like that is gonna make people not wanna vote for him for his safety.. Which could end up being a good thing in the bigger picture.. That sh*ts f*cked up..

  5. Helterskelter,

    He's a Black man who has the audacity to think that he can be the leader of the United States.  In the minds of some people that is criminal enough.

    I'll just say this:  you can take every race riot that has ever happened in the US, combine them and it will still pale in comparison to what would happen if Obama is assassinated.

  6. I knew it lol. Sad to say... But I have a bad feeling about the Election..... There will probably be another attempt.

  7. why would someone want to hurt him? thats absolutely awful. he hasnt done anything wrong. i hope they get punished, cause obama seems like a really good man, and he doesnt deserve this at all. i cant imagine what would happen if he was actually killed.

  8. There are always going to be people who are racist.  In some ways everyone is racist.  I hate stupid people.  There is nothing we can do about it other than trying to teach ignorant people whats right.  This won't be the last time this happens, but hopefully it is never successful.

  9. Wow. I didn't know it was that deep. This is definately not the last time, and people have been saying that if O is elected, he'll most certainly suffer the same fate as JFK. Which is horrendous to speak of. I'm not at all surprised though.


  10. Things are gonna get crazy if something happens to Obama...what does color have to do with anything?   2008 and still going through this dumb S**t...

  11. I read this earlier this morning.  Wild.

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