
NRL footy show !! Are you sick of seeing SBW on the footy show??

by  |  earlier

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he seems to be on there a lot lately :-)




  1. They definitely need some different players. But it is hard to bring QLDer's from QLD teams down to sydney or melbourne on a thursday night.

  2. Yeah for sure but then again I'm sure people are geting sick of seeing Billy Slater on there too (i'm not lol).

    I think the footy show needs to expand its range of players, they really do seem to have a specific few they suck up to. Maybe get some of the newer kids in to spice it up a bit or something..

  3. SBW=Ratings.

  4. im sick of sbw,hayne and danny burd talkin on tv or 2 the media every chace they get

  5. I have more taste then to watch that c**p show.

  6. Yeh, I tend to skip through him. I don't particularly like him as a player and don't really find him attractive.

  7. Rubbish show with Rubbish hosts = Rubbish guests.

  8. His been in the headlines alot lately so his bound to be on the footy show alot to explain to the league fans what his been doing and saying. If he wasnt in the media so much he wouldnt be on the footy show that much either

  9. Well don't watch the footy show, it's all a load of c**p anyway. The hosts should stick to footy and leave the comedy to comedians.

  10. Hes only been on their a couple of times its not as if hes on their every week. their need more players on their to get their opinion on the ever changing game and wat needs to be done to stop the sudden downfall of the game. !! and to jackson he stutters cause he nervous and shy u idiot and nz's have a slow voice if u havent noticed !! UP THE SHARKS

  11. I agree they need a few more QLDers on but being in sydney its prolly abit hard. i think the main reason why sbw is on is be cause hes trying to promote the game more to the Polynesian boys as there are alot more coming through the ranks and stuff which is a good thing on his behalf.

  12. yes i agree

    maybe when he learns to speak and stop sstttuuuttteeerrriiinnngg it wouldnt be so bad

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