
NSW lettering?

by Guest63960  |  earlier

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Is there a standard way of writing the ABC's for NSW. i want to start teaching my child to write and dont want to teach her different then she will learn once she starts school/preschool




  1. Yes there is a standard way. NSW schools use the foundation style writing. If you have friends with children that have just started school they may be able to provide you with a copy of the letter formations. Alternatively you can go to the following website:

    This site enables you to purchase material outlaying the foundation style writing.

    If you are going to assist your child in learning how to write, one of the most important things to remember is Do Not teach your child to write in capitals first. That is the most common mistake many parents make, and as a teacher, can be very difficult in altering. You should teach your child lower letters (except for the capital to start their name). The first letters you should teach them should be those in your child's name also. The other important thing is to ensure that you teach them the correct was of writing the letters - this means ensuring you get them to start writing each letter at the correct point ie for the letter d starting at the circle section, not doing a stroke then adding the "ball' on to it.

    If you have any issues locating what you need, please feel free to email me, and I can scan and email you a sample sheet of the foundation letters.

    Good Luck

  2. I think it would be best for you to talk with your local school district about what type of writing they teach in Kindergarten.  Every district now days seems to have different views on this very issue.  Find out what they teach and go from there with your child!
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