
NUS vs SMU vs SIM vs ERC?

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it' all singaporean universities.

i'm interested in NUS and SMU for their reputation, but the qualification is very high.

SIM for me is just an alternative

meanwhile i just heard about ERC which offers only 2 year bachelor program + 1 more year if you're going for master degree.

which one is the best choice?




  1. Depends on what level of degree you want and if fees are a problem for you.

    I dont know much about anything in singapore, but my advice is go for the places with the best rep straight off.

    This is because if you decide to leave singapore for work later on, those will be the only colleges the employer will have heard of.

    Take my experience in ireland, an IT course may suit the job better, but Trinity college has the name and rep to get you hired, especially overseas.

  2. If you can get a masters degree in 3 years and the school has a well-known name and employers will accept it, then I would do that. Do whatever is cheapest and fastest.... it's the same piece of paper no matter where you go.

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