
NVidia driver update question?

by  |  earlier

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I recently updated my nVidia driver for nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440.

I was unable to play a certain game without doing so. Now I can play the game, but at times my desktop will be off center at start-up. I can always use the auto center for my monitor, but this gets annoying, honestly. Is there something else I can do to get it to appear centered? Also, if it matters, the right side of the screen will be cut off. The weird thing is that it only happens about half of the time that I reboot.




  1. well if the graphics card came with a cd with drivers on it you could install the original drivers. if there are no bugs in those drivers you dont need to update.

  2. It is true that some newer drivers have bugs in them which can cause issues. Not all new drivers have bugs, but it is normal when a new driver first comes out that bugs are found. Basically, the graphics vendor does test their drivers, but it is on a limited basis. Part of the development of drivers is when it is first released to the public. As the public uses the new driver and experiences issues, these issues are reported back to the vendor who then attempts to duplicate the issue, or waits to see if other users also experience the issue. Once they do find it is a bug, and not operator error they correct the bug and release a new version of the driver.

    I have never heard that LCD monitors often go off center and those who use them simply need to get used to fixing the issue with the auto center button. I have used LCD monitors for years and have never experienced this issue, nor have I read that this is an overall condition of such monitors. If this were the case LCD televisions would have the screen image go off center. This would create a huge outcry from those who pay huge amounts for these TVs. Consumers would not be satisfied with some vendor telling them to just repeatedly press the auto center button. ;-)

    With that said, you could do several things. You could go to the support section of the graphic vendors website and search the Knowledge Base and/or search any User Forum for similar issues. You could contact your system manufacturers Help Desk or technical department and ask for help. You could go to Microsoft and search the KB there. You could go to one of the many Microsoft or third party technical website forums that help users figure out what is wrong with their systems and/or hardware and software.

    I suggest you first try the graphic vendors website. I will also provide a link to the Microsoft TechNet Newsgroup forum, which is a more advanced forum than the Microsoft Communities. Here you go:

    The link above is to the Video Microsoft TechNet newsgroup. You can search the forum for any thread which is similar to your issue. If you need to post your own question you will need a Passport. If you have either a Hotmail or Windows Live Mail account that is your Passport. If you don't, you do not need to open one of those, you can link any existing email account. Just click the Login button in the upper right hand corner, and on the login page there is a link to create a Passport. Click the link and enter the required information. When you are finished an automated confirmation email will be sent to the account you linked. Once it arrives, simply click the link to confirm your account. You now can post your own question.

    First search your graphic vendors support website for a solution. The experts at the forum like it when those who ask questions first tried other things to fix their issue on their own. When you ask your question please be specific, and provide your computer specifications. This includes your computer manufacturer, make,model, OS, RAM, video card and driver of course, and then add what the issue is, and what you have done so for to try to fix it. You can put that you searched your graphic manufacturers website, asked questions in other forums, and still need assistance. Be patient as these folks are all volunteers and do this free of charge. They are not Microsoft employee's.

    I think this is the best forum in getting your issue solved. Be sure to be very clear in your initial question and your follow up information. Good luck and have a nice day.  

  3. According to what I read, you have a LCD monitor. Some LCD monitors will do that; it's not your graphics card, my computer goes off center for some games. I just simply click the auto button and it's fixed. It's not really that annoying once you get used to it.

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