
NWA Airlink (Pinnacle) FO upgrade and other questions?

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Anyone know through experience or otherwise how long it takes to upgrade from FO to Captain? I'm 36 looking to explore my dream of flying commercially.I also know that by the time I finish school/hours I'll be "too old" for the majors. I know the money is not too great in the regionals but is livable in a few years....I just want to fly.... I'm currently a career firefighter (also my dream job) and would like to maybe one day fly an Air Ambulance or possibly corporate. ANY thoughts would be appreciated. Am I too old to realistically go for this goal? Thanks




  1. Right now Pinnacles most junior capt hired was in July 1007 so thats less than a year upgrade. Alot of the time it depends on your base and aircraft. By the time you get into the industry that will change.

    You are never too old to follow your dream. The regional I worked for alot of the guys on IOE were geezers. That was about a month ago.

    Realistically though really think about what you are getting into. Flying is awesome!! The industry is not for everyone.

  2. Like the answer above, you never know. When I first got into the industry I was looking for the same thing. After three months of 8 days off a month and a three leg commute I was done. 2 or 3 days actually at home per month isn't enough. I went to a better company and couldn't be happier. I only work 12 days a month and make about 40k as an FO.You never know when the industry is going to stop again. At my company 3 months ago we couldn't find enough pilots now they are saying no more new hires till at least the end of the summer. What I have learned is find someplace you wouldn't mind staying untill the next upturn.

    To some what answer your original question. From friends I have talked to there they have said 1-2 years for upgrade. I think that will be going up very soon though.

    good luck

  3. In short Mark you won't know unless you try. I wish I could be more help.

    There is no definitive answer to how long it takes to upgrade as the economic factors change all the time.

    In the 90's the majors started hiring pilots in their 40's-50's, mostly retired military but when I was hired if you were over 30 years old you could give up on being hired by a major.(late 70's-early 80's) So you just don't ever know. Any one that says they do are lying.

    If it is a dream of yours you will never forgive yourself for not trying. Good Luck.

  4. You're not too old for a regional. Especially now that all you really need is a pulse (slight exaggeration) for the right seat. Other than American Eagle, I think most of them have relatively short upgrades. At least one hires "street captains"---meaning directly into the left seat, at least for its northeastern U.S. domiciles. (For guys who already have a few thousand hours and jet time.) Anyway, you're not too old for a regional. You might want to consider other pilot opportunities once you get underway. Not because of your age, because of the limited opportunities in the regional airlines.

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