
NYC City Council battle; racist city council member Charles Barron has an aide named Viola Plummer that was?

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fired and recently sued the NYC president council in court for abuse of power, racial discrimation et. al. What are your thoughts on this matter of local politics? 1)




  1. The Council President derives his or her power and influence by building consensus, brokering deals, leveraging Council interests in City government, maintaining and improving city services.  This matter should be addressed behind closed doors between the two parties if necessary with the City Attorney's office. The way the matter is being handled by leadership appears to be sophomoric, which makes Council look moronic.  

    I would hope someone more skilled can de-escalate the rhetoric, back out of court as a remedy to resolve the issue and horse trade.  This is what legislative bodies do.  Neither side will have much more of a future, for the challenges of running the city requires leaders that have savvy, anyone of us can have a public fist fight. Then sue the other and claim the offending party has bad conduct. Their is an old saying "never argue with a fool, knowone can tell the difference." This saying is appropriate to this case.

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