
NYC Penn station to Cold Spring, NY--how much would tickets cost?

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How much would train tickets from Penn Station cost if I went to Cold Spring, Ny? Round trip?




  1. I would check the LIRR home page and do a trip planner to get times and costs.

  2. at ny penn station, you can take the long island railroad (port jefferson branch) to get to cold spring harbor station.

    tickets are $10.75 peak fare one way. $8.00 off-peak fare one way. that's $21.50 peak fare round trip, $16.00 off-peak fare round trip.

    buy the tickets before you board, or else you pay a $5-6 surcharge on top of the ticket prices.

    if you meant cold spring, ny. that's located on the hudson river. then you have to go to grand central terminal and take the metro north railroad (hudson line branch) to cold spring.

    tickets are $13.25 peak fare one-way, $10.00 off-peak fare one-way. or $26.50 peak fare round trip, $20.00 off-peak fare round trip.

    buy the tickets before you board, or else you pay a $5-6 surcharge on top of the ticket prices.

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