
NYS Chemistry Regents June '08 answers?

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Does anyone know where I can find the answers to this test?

The question with density: was it just mass/volume as the correct setup?

And does anyone know what the answer was to the half-life multiple choice question?




  1. the conversion chart is posted. the test curves down. its the only regents that does that

    my friend got a 96, she only missed multiple choice

    another girl in my school got a 100

    i dont know how she did it

    i had a 99 in that class and i got an 89

  2. It was finally posted. Here's the link:

    I did bad compared to my other regents.

  3. its not going to be up until like Friday most likely. Btw did you think it was hard? i took it today too!

  4. i really didnt think it was that hard. i thought it was fair. im a sophmore and i took honors chem, getting a solid b+ all year, part 1 was rediculously easy, part b-1 was okay. part b-2 and c were for the MOST part fair except a select few[like boiling pont, intermolecular forces and molecular polarity...]

  5. The answers aren't posted yet, but the curve is posted...

    It is not good at all...

  6. yes the average in my grade was like in 80's. only 3 people failed, but it was a hard test to do very well on. the highest i heard of was like a 93 so far. pretty pathetetic =\

  7. I've been lookin for the ansers since i took it dat test was sooo hard specialy the short anser part it was ridiculous....

  8. the person that answered above me.. how did you check your answers?! are they posted online yet???


    same for global regents if anyone took that also, are any answers posted yet???

  9. yeah the answers are here:

  10. i thought this was easy so now im really nervous i did bad because everyone is saying it was so hard and two people i know did terrible on it.

  11. compared to the SAT II subject test for chemistry that regents was easy

    i probably got 93 or higher

  12. Kei Igawa would have got a 69 on that test.

    I passed, but it was very hard!

    Is there even a curve this year?

    In one school I heard the highest grade was a 78.

    But Kei Igawa would have got a 69.

  13. I can't quite remember the question about density, but the answer to the half life question was 1.3 *10^9

    This is because after three half lives, the number of years/days/minutes...was 3.9 * 10^9

    and if you divide that by three, you get 1.3 *10^9

    There was an answer about percent error for Aluminum's density, and you find the density of the student's calculations and then go to Table S to find the actual density and use the equation on Table T to find the percent error.  It was 4%

  14. it was so hard! its still not posted yet. i keep checking the regents website.

  15. i am in AP Chem and i decided to retake the regents.. and that regents just whipped my booty, slapped me in the face and said ha ha. It made the SAT II look easy [and it was.] I got Choice 4 - 4%

    You take hte Density of Aluminum from the chart first

    Then since density is in units of g/L and you want to find out the density, you use dimensional analysis...

    and do grams/Litres. .and you are left with the density.

    subtract the accept density (the one on the chart) from the answer you recieved. and then divide that  but hte accepted density and multiply that by 100%. You should get 4.1% which is closest to choice 4


    questions and answers :]

  17. yup, the curve does suck, but they usually make 79 out of 85 below a 90 (like an 89), but this year it was a ninety. Such a big difference. The part ones weren't all that difficult, but the part twos were harder than any other regents exam. BTW.

    Just found out my grade......... I got a 100. The test was mostly about figuring out what the questions were asking. After that, it was pretty easy.

  18. probably not until friday or something.

    THAT was DEFINATLEY one of the hardest tests i have ever taken in chemistryy the part two was TERRIBLE. i think i did ok on the muliple choice but that test was really hard.

  19. yeah it wasn't that bad honestly and multiple choice #50 was the 1.3x10^9 or somethin, and that other one was 4percent.

  20. this was so hard!!! the part 1 was was somewhat easy but when i got to part 2 i wanted to cry haha

    luckily i found out i got a 73 today!

    the test is up and so is the curve.

  21. the answers are up... .. go to the top right and click on chemistry regents/answers/key

  22. The test wasn't that hard... I'm not trying to be a braggart, but quite frankly, I was enraged at my 96... there will likely be a very normal curve, I believe I got 2 questions wrong...

  23. im looking for the answers as well but they haven't posted them yet .........

    and um if you are talking about number 50 the answer was 1

    1.3 x 10^12 or something like that i dont remember the question that well but im pretty sure the answer was 1

  24. Yes, the density question was just mass/volume.

    And the half life was 1.3*10^9 because if you use the formula on the back of the reference table......... fraction remaining = (1/2)^(t/T) you get it to equal .125 when you use T=1.3*10^9 which is the fraction remaining. I just forget what they gave for the t value. but 1.3*10^9 was right.

    And that was such an easy test!!! The multiple choice was a piece of cake i finished part A and B-1 in exactly 25 minutes. The part two was a little harder but it was still so easy.... much easier than past exams. I dont know what test you guys took....

  25. I thought the test was extremely easy

  26. its not up yet.

    THAT WAS TH E HARDEST CHEM REGENTS NYS HAS EVER GIVEN. everyone thinks so, even my teacher was surprised. part 2 was impossible

    they are prolly r gunna have a good curve cuz CLEARLY no one did well.

  27. I honestly thought the test was cake. I made some silly mistakes on the multiple choice, I should have just taken my time and I would've corrected them. I corrected mine and I got around 96/97.

    It was definately harder than any of the practice regents though..though that doesn't really say much about them.

  28. it was harder than any practice test that i did for preparation...but i did pretty well [98] since i checked my answers...i miss the question that asked for the method to "recover" the solute from the solution. [english proficiency really hv an influence.]

  29. Go to and look on top-right side of the page. You should be able to find the Question booklet / Answer Key / Conversion chart there.

    By the way, tell me how you did on it after you select my answer as the best answer ;-). I graded myself a few minutes ago. I didn't do as well as I thought I did. I got a 95 on it (82/85). I was hoping high ninties. Shucks!!!!

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