
NZ accent?

by Guest64370  |  earlier

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Totally screwed up?

Or kinda cool




  1. NZ accent is one of the best I've come across so far. It's sounds quite normal to me with no 'frills' attached.

  2. Any English language accent is fine by me.

  3. nz accent is the best accent around.

  4. i like the kiwi accent espacially the southlands, when you get the old alrighty, and the yee yee  thats right, sort of thing, they find me very funny from the north of england, when i say lets go to the pub rather than lets go to the pab, the pab is a very southern thing in england and scotland

  5. Then best mate; and when we speak using a lot of Kiwi slang mixed with a smattering of Maori words, it confuses the h**l out of the tourists.

  6. Why is everyone saying giday??? Kiwis dont say giday??? Thats an Aussie slang! Trust me, I'm a kiwi in Australia.... Kiwis' have a great accent- shame I lost mine....

  7. kiwi accent - totally priceless mate!

  8. any English accent is least its english n understandaBLE

  9. It's nice and soothing!

  10. Kinda Cool! I actually think New Zealander's by and large have a very pleasant accent. Easy on the ear and easy to understand.

    We do have slightly different accents depending on where in New Zealand we come from - I quite like the Southland burr too.

    There is an unpleasant accent a few speak, but generally, we have a cool accent. Our vowels do cause some problems for people from other places sometimes.

  11. Yeah gidday mate I dunno.

    Some USA people seem to love it but people with English as a second language find it difficult to follow as it is not what they have been taught in schools etc.

    Personally I would rather have a genuine kiwi accent than the pseudo-Queens English we sometimes hear on the more conservative radio programmes!

  12. gidday mate!

    lol nzaccent is the best outtaall of the world bro!

  13. weird!

    couldnt understand it at first, but i got used to it....

    they say

    "fush n chups"

    aussies say:

    "feesh n cheeps"

    EDIT: wow, whats with all the downwards thumbs? Im only telling the truth, well, I guess its all NZers who downward thumbed me, so I'll make ya feel better, ... how about that S.African accent huh? All they say is "Ja" and "lekker" and "Ag" bahahah

    EDIT2: d**n, more downwards thumbs, but I think I'm allowed to say this since I am from South Africa. So yes, I say Ja and lekker too, and Ive basically lived in NZ half my life so I say "not even ow..." (sometimes) so yeah, Ive got a hybid of the 2 accents, which is possibly worse. Sooo many downwards thumbs,, hehe
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