
NZ is getting worse?

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Who thinks new zealand is getting worse in terms of crime. I hear a lot more bad stuff on the news these days but I don' notice it at all? How about uz




  1. yes the numbers are getting worse, 20 years ago a murders where big news in NZ, now they are common, still safer than alot of other countries,

    in Europe and Australia I see armed security at subways and other public places, NZ is still pretty tame cpmpared to other places


  2. I think you're extremely cynical in everyone of your answers, so you're honestly never going to be happy.

    New Zealand is getting worse compared to what? Compared to 100 years ago? Compared to other countries?

    I still feel safe in my own home and in my city, but statistically yes I would say that New Zealand has a higher crime rate than last year and the year before. But that can be the consequence of many factors, i.e. increased ease of migration, increased Maori and Pacific Island population.

    I think we're lucky and shouldn't really be complaining about our crime rate.


  3. Remember they only print the bad stuff that goes on in the world or Nationally. .....  How many times do you read 'Happy' stories in the paper or on TV news?

    You are moving to Auckland soon - that's where the real crime is.  I would never live there !  Give me Nelson any day.
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