
Na-Anon Meetings?

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Are Al-Anon Meetings good to go to if your spouse has A drug problem? I would perfer to go to Na-Anon Meetings but there isnt any around here so the Al-Anon is what I found




  1. check Nar-Anon, with your state, in your search engine

  2. No!  You don't want to go to Al-Anon or Nar-Anon!  I spent many years of my life hanging out in 12 step groups including Al-Anon and the insanity is incredible.  Most people do not realize that Al-Anon is NOT about helping people learn how to help their family members get better.  Al-Anon groups teach that you, the family member, have a incurable disease that only God can address.  People who go to the meetings tend to be zombie-like creatures who ceaselessly repeat 12 step slogans such as "let go and let God" and talk about how they are powerless over everything.

    If you want spiritual help, go to church.  If you want emotional help, talk to healthy friends or go to a good therapist.  But Al-Anon....never never never.

    And by the way, a Nar-Anon group is going to be the same thing.  All 12 step programs are the same way.
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