
Na shows blue flame then Ca ,Cu ,K shows which color?

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Na shows blue flame then Ca ,Cu ,K shows which color?




  1. Ca shows green colour flame

    Cu shows red

    K shows lilac(light purple)

    & Na shows golden yellow flame and not blue colour

  2. Wasi is a little off!  The colors from these metals in a flame are:

    Ca -- Red/Brick Red emission

    Cu -- Blue/Blue-Green (depending on the extent of ionization in the flame)

    K   -- Lilac

    Na -- Yellow

  3. Na or sodium, actually glows yellow in a flame test.  Cu or copper glows green or blue (depending on the type of Cu), Ca, Calcium glows orange and K, potassium glows violet.

    There is a great coloured table on the page sourced below

  4. Sodium burns with a golden yellow flame and not a blue one. You can take a spoon of common salt(sodium chloride) and check it out. Calcium burns with a brick red flame. Copper with a green one but dont mistake barium with copper which also burns with a green flame though an apple green one. Potassium burns with a lilac flame. All metals which show a colouring property is due to oscillation of free electrons in any of the atomic orbitals(s,p,d,f) which radiate this energy in the form of colour and lusture. It is most evident in d-block elements such as copper, iron,manganese etc which have unpaired d-orbital electrons.

  5. Na shows yellow color not blue color,

    Ca shows brick red color.

    Cu shows blue color

    K shows lilac color.

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