
Nabari no Ou 20 and 21 eng sub downloads????

by  |  earlier

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please help, i cant find english subs for these episodes, and people are disapointed on imeem since they cant watch it. Please help me so i can post this onto imeem.




  1. I'm sorry, but nno isn't being subbed anymore. Funimation decided to put a stop to it even though they aren't really licensing it, as far as I know.

    Some people have posted videos with fansubs, but I haven't seen any completely subbed videos of 20 or 21, and I haven't found any downloads of them, either. They keep getting deleted.

    It's terribly frustrating. ;(

  2. Rumi was the most up to date fansubber of the series but they had to drop it after receiving a letter from Lance whomever from funimation (don't they just ruin every good anime?). Not likely we'll be seeing any subs of this series for a long time. Check Rumi's fansub site for more details.

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