
Nacker is a name that i never heard a tinker called.?

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and i never even called them a tinker,one mate of mine steven was brought up on the ross in a big tent with his mother and sister this is over 50 years ago,they never travelled,i sean him as a man up to his waist in freezing water poaching salmon with a twig a line and hook with a worm ,hardy great days,i cant stand people putting them down,they are modern people now but at least they hold on to there culture,i look up to them because i have met some realy good ones,fair play to them all.




  1. Me neither and I like your attitude... it's great!

  2. I have no clue wat ur talking about

  3. Take a trip up to Dunsink Lane in Finglas and see what these "lovely people" are like.

    Ask how many of them have motor insurance for their 07 4 wheel drives

    Ask the many GAA and soccer clubs what it felt like to arrive for a match one morning and see dozens of caravans parked on their pitch

    Take a trip out to Tallaght and see the 5 bedroom mansion on the N81 owned by 'travellers' and paid for with cash

    But sure God love them(thats sarcasm by the way)

  4. Oh what a life, maybe spartan, but salt of the earth.

    Could be the term "nacker or knacker " relates to the practice of removing animal carcasses, which although abhorrant to city folk is everyday life to true country folk, thereby in no way a derogatory term, but a useful everyday occupation which people living off the land would regard as a part of their daily income to provide what the land couldn`t provide.

    If your still in touch, book me in for a couple weeks with them.

    best of luck.

  5. most maybe ok but we still see a few on tv, builders from h**l, rogue traders and crimewatch. do you phone your mate when you want some work doing, they are great at tarmacing they can do it straight over the grass without having to put any hardcore down

  6. Here, here, live and let live I say!

  7. bull,my mate has a 17 year old son who the KNACKERS are after for a trival thing(he rapped about one of them)point is they travel in packs like hyenas,never trust the b******s

  8. Well said bud!!!!

  9. Well said, I agree they are lovely people with a wonderful culture, good people too.

  10. I agree with everyone here, except for one thing "firebobby" said.  I'm pretty sure "knacker" is considered by most Irish people to be an offensive term, at least on some level.  Just in terms of the context in which I've heard the names, I'd say people are more likely to use "knacker" than "tinker" when referring to traveling people in a mean way.  Think about the fact that people use "knacker" as an insult, but rarely use "tinker" that way.  

    That said, I think it must be so difficult for them to deal with all the prejudice against them (and against all traveling people in Europe and the US), as well as the misunderstandings.  Hopefully, people will begin to try to understand their rich culture before ignorantly condemning it!

  11. to be honest with you, I have worked with guys from traveller backgrounds and they were salt of the earth.. and many people in the job would just call the guy 'the knacker' which used to p**s  me off

    I was chatting to the guy one day  and the subject of wages came up and we soon realised that I was earning double what he was earning ( although I did have 13 years experience) he was being paid 3 or 4 euro per hour less than he should have been paid , and I toold him not to take that kind of abuse and he got it all sortrd out and I was delighted for him

    there are still many many people in Ireland and England who really hate members from the travelling community because they are seen as an easy target... people think they marry their cousins and are beggars or something

    in reality, it is the media who have put them in such a bad light

    whenever there is a traveller wedding, they have major trouble finding somewhere to let them have the  reception because there were a hanful of incidents  where fights broke out between some families, and nowdays no one will entertain them

    they are seen to be scavengers who collect scrap metal and unwanted household items, but they mostly earn ridiculous amounts of money.. and anyone will tell you that most travellers only deal in cash, and they drive only the best quality new vehicles all the time

    so I say fair play to them and ***** the begrudgers

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