
Nadal's secret of not making error???

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I think nadal hit the ball to upside and It goes down with top spin. so, His shot has less posibillity to be blocked by net. what do you think? I think federer can learn from nadal's shot and mix with federer's genius shot make federer stronger.




  1. Murray made 21 unforced errors, and Nadal only made 7.  I think these are the questions reporters should be asking. What do you think after you just hit a horrible shot, how do you get it out of your head.

  2. These two are completely different players with only class and star quality linking them,

    Rafa if given a choice, Will force the error rather than go for a low percentage winner.

    Federer on the other hand will always go for the winner and the reason why he has been no.1 for nearly 5 years is because he nearly always makes it-No matter how low percentage the shot is. The difference with Federer this year is he has been missing with a much higher frequency than in past years.

    Nadal no doubt is capable of playing this way but it is not his style.

  3. More topspin = higher net clearance and less chance of ball flying long. Personally, I don't really like gamestyles based on winning off other's errors, I prefer the gamestyles that win off making winners. Takes more talent, better looking tennis, and not as boring. Too bad Federer seems to be on a decline, I'll be counting the days until Nadal is no longer at the top when hopefully a more worthy #1 will supplant him.

  4. He does put a lot of spin on the ball. Spin allows the ball to travel higher and easier over the net. Out of all the players on the ATP tour Nadal has the most rotations on the ball in one shot. Second is Fernando Gonzalez.

    Federer can definently learn from Nadal's shot. He is a bit inconsistent with his strokes and needs to hit more spin.

  5. Yes, Nadal puts a lot of top spin on his shots, avoiding the net thus less error. Most of the time he does this using the "flipper" (i guess that's what they call it) where his racket ends up on top of his left portion of the body rather than across. Steffi graf used it a lot as well, and if you'll notice so as Roger but not as much as Nadal. Also Rafa has this great stamina of running around after each ball.

  6. Federer is in a slump right now. I wish all the haters would get mono to know what you feel like with it. Aside from that, he's a genius who is the only one to beat Nadal on clay.

    Now, Nadal probably doesn't make many errors, because he almost never dwells on a bad shot. He totally focuses on each ball as if it was completely new. He tries to hit every single shot as if it were the first and last shot. Every ball to him is new.  He has a fantastic mental strength. He also doesn't have the world press and other idio ts after him asking dopey questions like, "are you out? are you dead?" when he lost at the Australian Open and was having troubles.

    I agree about his top spin helping when he hits the net. I'm always amazed that when he hits the net it virtually always inches goes over.

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