
Nadal announces retirement because of contraction of AIDS? SHOCKING!?

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From Wikipedia:

Nadal has announced an early retirement as of 18 May 2008, due to his contraction of AIDS. The French Open will be his final Grand Slam.




  1. wikipedia is not a reliable source of information so it would probably be a good idea to check out whatever you read there before reposting it here.

    Yes,I agree, you don't make the claim that it is true but you do say that it is "shocking". My advice to you is not to be so easily shocked by what you find out from such highly unreliable sources.

    A shock to your nervous system can do lasting damage. Take better care of yourself . We wouldn't like to lose such a valuable contributor of information as yourself.

  2. nadal will become no.1

  3. Anybody could put that in wikipedia. Try it for yourself. Go right now and write in that Nadal was seen flying over the Meditaranean sea.


    I guess gerard doesn't know what a wiki page is. Anyone can contribute to wikipedia. Gee, when they ask for contributions from the public, you didn't think they were asking for money did you?

    Check over the wiki page again and see if it's still there.

  4. what?? u r joking, right?

    Fedexpress, LOL, r u serious, it really says that about Nole?? CUz, he seems like a nice guy, he wouldn't do that!=))LOL

    But, still it cracked me up! LOL!!

  5. it also says that in djokovic's wiki page that djokovic and his family are accused of sponsoring a terrorist organisation inside serbia trying to topple the kosovo government! go have a look!

  6. Yeah sure, and there really is a Santa Claus too.  Gullible much?

  7. That is so is a joke if anyone really trusts what's written in there. Anybody could write/edit those pages. Anybody...

  8. i dont believe in that news...

    i opened wikipedia just 5 to 7 minutes a while ago.. it was stated there! i was surprised...

    but just this moment,,, now... i opened wikipedia again, and the statement disappeared...

    another fact that its not true,,, this question was stated an hour ago... so it means, its 6:30-7 AM in hamburg? i cant understand why this news appeared this early... i think nadal is still in bed that time.... or getting ready on court.. and how this person put the text in wikipedia this early....

    so its not true!

  9. Anybody can edit a wikipedia site so this is completely useless. Of course I didn't believe Henin was retiring either until I saw it on Foxsports so I guess anything is possible.

  10. maybe

    instead of practicing in tennis he was practicing with pennis.hahahahahhahaha

  11. WHAT

    Nadal was the only guy who could beat federer consistently

    I AM ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Sweetie please, I went to wikipedia myself and looked it up, so your right it does say it, but like I said, that stuff can be rewritten and edited by anybody. Believe me when I tell you it's a complete lie, Rafa does not have AIDS and is not retiring, if it were really true it would've been all over the news. Save your pity, I'm not personally calling you a liar, I'm saying the person who wrote the article was a liar, so there was no need for name calling, I'm just stating the facts.

  13. HE HAS AIDS? haha r u serious. i like him. He hasnt been doin good lately tho...ima look that up now

  14. its untrue

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