
Nadi and Yoni Compatibility in Match Making Chart???

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Hi There,

Someone has told me that there is Nadi Dosha In our Matching Chart... If yes then what would be the remedies? What are the problems that could arise due to nadi dosha in my married life???

And also please tell me that how much "Yoni compatible" we are ?

Below is my and my husband's Birth Details-

My Birth Details-

D O B :11-05-1978

Time : 2.25AM

Place : Ranchi, Jharkhand

My Hubby's Birth Details-

D O B : 05-10-1975

Time : 00:03 AM

Place : Puri , Orissa

Somewhere I have read that if the nadis of would be bride and groom are the same, there are two exceptions that exist:

1. If the same planet is the lord of Rashis of would be bride and groom.

2. If the lord of rashis of bride and groom are friends.

Nadi dosha is said to be cancelled.


-A Friend




  1. Friend...

    I do think it is important for you to consider compatibility even post-wedding. Because understanding the strengths and weaknesses in your relationship is essential - with this knowledge you can know what to expect, and what to help each other with.

    The Kuta point systems which consider Nadi as a component are somewhat outdated. A compatibility reading in today's world should include intelligent comparison of both birth charts, not overly simple numbers games.

    If there is a difficulty in Nadi it can be overcome by good communication and co-sympathy.

    I would be happy to do a full compatibility reading for you - including the ancient kuta system and a modern compatibility analysis. You can contact me in this regard through my website:

  2. havingweded, better not to think of them provided u & u r leading happy life,.

    if any problem in sexual/ children  or health problem (s) , peeps, then consult with full details , for remidical measures if any for reducing astrological ailments

    or to strengthen the planets

    lest forget  & lead happy life,

    nadi for mangaly

    yoni for sexualcompatability in general,

    but see any good astrology near by to check both horscopes in all relevent aspects  for satisfaction and act accordingly,

    as all r not on on line.

  3. Your birth costellations are aridra-1 and   hasta-1 respectively which lie on the same nadi causing a nadi-dosha.Your janam rasis are mithun and kanya respectively and lord of  these both rasis is Mercury. In such a case all the seven koot doshas are cancelled but  a nadi- dosha cannot.

    there are four antidotes perscribed for cancelling a nadi dosha and the 4th or the last one is that there should not be a paad-vedha which can be applicable in your case as there is no paad vedha in aridra-1 and hasta-1.Therefore you should not take tension in this regard,please.

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