
Nagging Sister in law

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My Sister In Law is pushy and demanding. I can't stand her. She gives us unwanted criticism regarding how we raise our daughter, insults us in our own home, and has no concept of tact or grace.

Her latest demand is that she wants my husband, infant daughter and I to take a professional picture w/her, her toddler son, and her husband as a present for their Mother.

I don't want to be any part of this because we are not as close as she thinks we are and I don't want to be a part of anything that may lead her into thinking that we are close.

How do I let her know, politely, that we don't want to do it? She is rather unreasonable and will take offense if we deny her latest proposal.

Please help! Thank you :o)

I don't feel comfortable doing this. I cringe at the thought of us all in one "family" picture together.




  1. Try to be the bigger person.  It isn't good for your family to always have drama.

    The picture sounds like a nice gift for your mother-in-law.  Just suck it up and take the picture, it will take less than an hour and your mother-in-law will appreciate it.

    As for her nagging, just explain that while you appreciate her kind thoughts of wisdom, your parenting styles are different and you would appreciate if she kept her views to herself.

  2. how about instead of thinking about how close you're not, or how much you dislike her, you think about how much your MIL would like a picture of her family?  i know my mom would LOVE a picture like this, although it would have to be taken with a wide-angle lens to get us all in!  lol

    i hardly think it has anything to do with how close you all are or are not, but it sounds like a great present and i'm sure mom would LOVE it!!

  3. she is the one that offends you all the time but you are worried about offending her? tell her how you feel especially when it comes to matters concerning your child if you are a good mother then don't let her tell you what to do

  4. You married her brother not her!!  Its your life - dont put up with this bullying! Why dont you tell her that you have already got a present for her mother and you cant afford to pitch in for the picture.
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