
Nail polish remover on key board?

by  |  earlier

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i was drunk last night and for some reason someone put nail polish remover on my computer key board now half my buttons get stuck when i hit them is there anything i can do other then get a new key board?




  1. You can take out all the keys and clean it. But you should draw your keyboard on a piece of paper so you know where all the keys go, or go on google and go to images and search the company of your keyboard so you'll get a picture where all the keys are, and when your done Pop all the keys back in carefully.

  2. actually you cant do anything.

    the acetone in nailpolish remover MELTS plastics.

    so.... its ruined.

    it probably melted the rubber and thats why its sticking.

    buy a new one... keyboards arent that expensive. :)

  3. i dont think so!

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