
Nail polish stay on or off for job interview?

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i just got my nails painted a light lime green for the end of summer. but i got a call today saying that i have a second job interview...should i take the green off?




  1. Clear coat is the best way to go.

    Some people will be turned off by green nails.

  2. It depends on the job your going for. But just to be safe it would be a good idea to take it off. It's best to stay with neutral colors even with the clothes you wear to the interview. Stay away from colors that would be too bright or distracting to the interviewer, you want them to pay attention to what your saying not your nails.

  3. Lose the green!  If it was tame, it woudl be different, but lime green is unprofessional.

  4. unless you can find a cute green interview outfit... i would! at this point it sounds like they are considering you seriously for the position! you want to look put togeather... clean cut! remove the green and put on a shiny clear coat! that will still make your nails look polished! plus youll be siging alot of paper work if you do get hired! then ask about nail color and such afterwards!  

  5. It's always good to not appear to "flashy" or odd in an interview. Although once you're hired green nail polish will probably be fine, you don't know the personality of the person you're going to be talking too, and how much influence they will have over the decision making. When in doubt, tone it down! You can always bring back your "personal flair" when you have the job.

    Good luck to you!

  6. Absolutely!  A light pink or peach is fine but stay away from anything extreme or unusual for job interviews.

  7. Yeah, just to be safe. Personally, I wouldn't care, but some people are funny about that.

    Good luck :-)

  8. I would take it off. Green is kind of a bright color, most employers tend to like their intervewee to be dressed in neutral colors, it comes off as professional.  Green nail polish resembles youth (because many young woman would like bright nails) but could be interpreted as immaturity by an employer.  

  9. take if off. keep it a nude color or a french mani. u want to look like you want the job. not like its a joke

  10. aw bummer you just got it done

    even though it looks cute, unless you are applying for hot topic or some bizarre store where everyone wears weird clothes then yes, you should definitely take it off.

    ALWAYS keep nails short and clean for job interviews that's one thing I DO know about them

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