
Naked options Question.?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know any investment firms that allow buying/selling naked options for beginner investors? Most firms seem to have trading levels that do not allow you to trade naked options. Any information on this issue is appreciated. Thanks.




  1. I good way to go broke

  2. There's a reason those trading levels exist. Naked options are dangerous for experienced investors to play with, much less beginner investors. It's in the broker's best interest to keep you solvent, because if you lose all your money you stop paying them commission. Therefore, they establish trading levels to help protect both you and their paycheck.

  3. And you can't take a hint why they'll only allow experienced investors to do naked options????????

    There's a reason for this.  

    You can lose everything you own.  Like a lot of investing, it looks easy from a far. Don't fool yourself in thinking you're different and will make money.

    Become successful trading stocks, options & option spreads. Know (and understand) the "greeks" backwards and forwards (if you don't know what the "greeks" are you're way over your head... you shouldn't even be trading options).

    If you can make money on these... I'm sure you can find someone to allow you to do naked options.

  4. Interactive Brokers is the best.

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