
Name 1 cutesie thing your baby has been doing since birth?

by  |  earlier

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Other than the obvious (sleeping, burping, eating, breathing... You get my point)

My son is 6 months old & has done (from birth) this weird thing, when he's sleeping, nursing, or sleepy his pinky & the finger next to it are up (kinda like when you drink wine and lift your pinky to take the glass)

Does any other baby do this? It's kind of strange, my husband got worried because he has a freaky hand, lol, but his fingers are all good, he can grab perfectly but whenever he's sleepy or nursing he does this, and if he's sleeping & you touch his hand he'll lift those 2 last fingers.. Weird huh? but SOOOO CUTE!

What about your baby? any weird, cute habits?




  1. i can't name just one.   my favorite is when she folds her hands together like a little lady.  or when she pretends to be alseep but opens one eye to sneek a peek at the person who's holding her.  also i love (and hate) how she cries bloody murder when i change her diaper or give her a bath but then when its over she immediately snaps into quiet happy baby and she raises her eyebrows and gets this content look on her face.

  2. my daughter holds her fingers out ( thumb and pointer finger ) like saying...heeeeeey you, how YOU doing LOL.  Its funny and lots of times she'll sleep like this.  My daughter also is VERY vocal...everyday we go for a stroll and all the neighbors love seeing her but they can hear her coming down the street because she squeals and babbles so loud! It's cute

  3. When my daughter eats and sleeps she balls up at least one of her hands and has to rest it on her chin, it's the sweetest thing! We have an ultrasound picture of her from 26 weeks with her hand in the exact same spot, so I guess it's the way she use to comfort herself while in my belly as well!!  

  4. my son has been scratching his head for the past 3 weeks and when he does it he scratches really slowly, and he has alot of hair and its sooo cute. ohh and he has been successful at sticking all his finger in his mouth and looks at me and laughs

  5. Don't worry he will outgrow it.  He is just practicing moving his fingers.  Babies will come up with some cute noises and gestures.  Some will go away to be replace by others.  My son used to scrunch up his face in a cute way when his face got wet from the bath or swimming pool.  When we go swimming I still catch that baby scrunch face and he is 23!  they grow so fast.

  6. My 13 month old loves talking on her "phone". I use quotations because the phone could be any number of things such as her pacifier, hand, book, remote, and the most recent being a hand full of my hair. She will hold whatever she is using at the time to the back of her head and say "ALLO? Daddy?" and the rest is just gibberish. I love it. Another thing she does is, every time I tell her she is cute she will scrunch up her eyes in a kind of double wink and smile at me like,"Yeah, I know." My 3 week old is a big stretcher. Every time she stretches she scrunches up her face and either grunts, I mean she really grunts, loud, or squeaks when she does it. It's so very cute and she likes to sleep holding her head up with her fist.

  7. She pouts her bottom lip just like daddys. And says Maaa when shes crying because of the way her lips close. So it sounds like maaaaaaa then ahhhh ehhh ahhh.  

  8. My daughter is 20 months old, and since the day she was born, she has to play with my hair to go to sleep. I certainly don't mind, especially since I get a mini head massage every night....:)

    However, once she is out of my bed and into her own toddler bed, I'm not sure how it's going to work. Some night's her hand is in my hair *all* night long. Someone mentioned that I should buy her wig to sleep with.....but not only do I find that weird, it also sounds kind of creepy....LOL

    * When I think of the raised pinky, I always think of some little old lady drinking her afternoon tea....hehe.

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