
Name 2 groups whose interest seems 2 have been ignored/harmed by the compromises tht created the constitution.

by Guest64799  |  earlier

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Name 2 groups whose interest seems 2 have been ignored/harmed by the compromises tht created the constitution.




  1. Individuals.

    If the constitution had strictly used the term individuals, then all individuals would have been protected, be it women, colored, g*y or other minority groups, and all these people would have been protected by law from the start, rather then to have a civil rights movement for each group.

    If you ask me, when women got the right to vote, they shouldn't have got "women" listed as equal in law, but to put individuals equal by law, thus there wouldn't have been a need for black/g*y movements because they too would have been protected, but like most minority groups, there seems to be only a interest for the self-group.

    The key is fighting for all individuals, rather than what group you belong to.

  2. Slaves and Indians.

    Women were ignored as well but I don't think we were involved in any compromises during the writing of the Constitution

  3. Women and slaves

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