
Name Change/Adoption Question?

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When we get married, my fiance wants to legally adopt my daughter, & also so we have the same names. (She is not his child, her bio-dad has always been out of the picture, he has given up any & all legal parental rights he would have, no child support etc) Anyway, how much does this cost? Who do I need to contact at the local courthouse? Do we have to wait until we are married to change her name? If anyone has gone thru a similar situation as this, or knows anything, please help!

Thanks much

Happy Holidays!!!




  1. This depends on the state you live in.  Each state has their own rules for adoption.  Some states will make you do a home study for the adoption even though the child is already in the home with the person wanting to adopt.  Some states will require background checks and fingerprinting be done on the child.  I would wait until after you are married though, so that way there is more of a reason to do it.  You will need to contact your local county courthouse clerk and just ask about it.  You may have to hire an attorney to draw up the legal paperwork for the bio father to sign off the rights if he hasn't already, as well as to petition the court for the name change and legal adoption paperwork.

  2. My situation was the same as yours. My husband and I went to legal aid and it should be in the court house they give you everything you need to know, I believe it cost 450 but it may be different where you live, that fee usually consist of,attorney fee, i think court cost and your daughters birth ceretificate change.

    My husband and I were married before we did this but all you have to do is ask go to legal aid and they can help, Goodluck and happy holidays to you too!

  3. you would need to be married first, then when you go up to the court house to legally change your name also put in for her name change and the legal adoption. im not sure how much it is, you could probably just call up to your local court house and ask.

  4. A name change is really not all that complicated.  We had our son's name changed so that everyone had the last name.  If you google it online it will show you where to get some legal forms to fill out.  You have to publish it in some newspaper for I think three or four days.  You go before a judge who asks why the name change and presto, the name is changed.  Not a big deal at all.  I think it cost us about $120.00.  We live in your neighbor state Indiana.  I am not sure if it differs from state to state.

  5. yellow pages probably.....

  6. Since laws and prices differ from state to state, I suggest you contact your local county courthouse for clarifying answers.

  7. There are filing fees to legally change one's name.  Inquire with the social security department.  http://www.ssa.og/  It is not like she has a driver's license (or does she - didn't give an age), so I'm not sure what, if anything, needs to be done at your local courthouse.

    I would not change the name until the ink is dry on the marriage license.  You never know, you could have a big fight and the wedding is off at the last minute.  You (anybody) can legally change their name at any time.

    How does your daughter feel about this?  I know some kids who rather resented the idea of changing their names.  I know others who were very happy.  We babysat for a little girl of a single mother, and she got married (to a really nice guy) when the girl was like 4.  She is the one who told us.  It was so cute, she said "We're going to marry Charles".  :-)

  8. It varies state to state.  When I adopted, they automatically changed the the last name so that you can recieve a legal birth certificate with your husband's name as the father.  It will probably be easier and cost less if you do it after the adoption.  That way you are dealing with one fee rather than two.  I live in Ks and it used to be $500 to do a name change but it is different if you are adopting.  Speak with your attorney and I am sure that they can give you more accurate info and all your options.

  9. Contact your local court house, you do not need to be married and it is a bit costly

  10. you need to hire a family attorney, it is important to do this by the book, they will walk you thru it , it usually takes about 6 months and no you do not have to be married to begin the process

  11. You can petition the court to change her name without going through the adoption process.  If her birth father has already given up his rights, you don't need his permission to change her name.  You would simply tell the judge you want her name change and they will tell you yes or no based on what's in the child's best interest.

    If your fiance wants to adopt your daughter, once you are married, you can do a step-parent adoption.  Your fiance will become her legal father and would have equal rights to your child.  If you break up, he can file for custody, he would have to pay child support, and all the other things that come with being a father.  You will have to show the courts the paperwork from her birth father relinquishing his right.  

    In both cases, you may only have to pay a court fee.  You don't need a lawyer.  Call the local courthouse and ask them where you can go to fill out the paperwork.

  12. call a lawyer.  you need to go through family court for this.

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