
Name Change Affidavit apostlised ?

by  |  earlier

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I recently got my name change through public notary and then applied for passport with name change. I had to submit the Affidavit in original to the Passport office.

Now I am applying for US visa and for that I got to know that I have to get my Edu certi apostlised from Minisrty of External Affairs (MEA).

My question:

Do I need to get my Name change affidavit apostlised as well ?

My new passport says in Observation "The holder has previously known as OLD_NAME"

So do I need to get another affidavit and get it apostlised.

Thanks for your time.




  1. For the most part, no, the official notification of name change should suffice.  However, it does depend on the totality of the circumstances.  Contact the embassy directly for the best answer.

    Local Address:  

    U.S. Embassy

    Consular Section

    1201 Roxas Boulevard

    Manila, Philippines

  2. Old documents must have attachments of the affidavit showing the new name to be valid.

  3. Yes you MUST get this change of name affidavit Apostilsed too. However, Apostille stickers will be issued on the documents – personal like birth, death, affidavits, power of attorneys, marriage etc and educational documents like degree, diplomas, matriculation and secondary level certificates. But in you case since the educational documents are all in your old name, to avoid any difference in the name that may be pointed out later on its better get all documents relating to change of the name Apostilsed too & attached along with these educational documents for any purpose. It’s always to play save on the first instance rather repent in future.

  4. Make fresh affidavit, get all attested from MEA.

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