
Name Change with BMI?

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Has anybody had any problems with BMI? Myself and my partner split up and he obviously cannot come on a holiday i had booked to London now. I rang BMI to change the name to my friend's name and they refuse to it and wont give me a refund on the flight.

I tried ringing, emailing, faxing and posting a letter to Reservations, Customer Relations, Head Office and didnt get so much as an acknowledgement to my correspondence let alone a reply.

I dont see what the problem is. Every other airline will do it and charge a fee which is quite expensive but still cheaper than booking a new flight. They will change the day, date, time and route of a flight but not a name.

I personally think it is ridiculous!

Any advice on what i can do?




  1. Just an FYI.....if you buy a ticket for someone, its their ticket not yours.   The Airlines do not care who paid for the ticket...just who's name is on it.   Now you can probably pursue trying to get your money from your ex through the legal system.  All Airline tickets are non-transferable, which means no one but the person named on the ticket can use it.  Since 9/11 they are more strict than ever about it.   Its pretty clear on the terms and conditions.

    Just like if you buy a car for someone and put it in their name it's now their car not yours.

  2. Thats the way it is on any airline. They will allow you to changes dates, etc but not names and that's the same on any airline whether its first class BA or low budget Easy Jet.

    I travel quite a lot and it always says in the T&C that name changes are'nt allowed.

  3. its very rare that airlines will totally change a name on a ticket. Generally just a misspelling.

    Unless it says in your fare rules that it says it is transferable. but i have never seen this.

    You will be able to get your taxes back from your original flight,and if you get through to their customer service department maybe they will be able to do something nice for you.
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