
Name James and related nicknames ~?

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Okay, so I like the first name of James, and the thinking is that we would call him "Jamie" for short. However, recently I've really started taking a liking to the name Jude.

So, my first question is; which name do you like better, James (Jamie) or Jude?

And secondly, Do you think the names James and Jude are close enough where we could write James on the birth certificate, call him Jamie when he's little, and then possibly call him Jude when he gets older and outgrows Jamie?

What would you do? Thanks mucho :)




  1. I'd stick with one name, either James(Jamie) or Jude. Switching his name as he gets older would just be kind of unfair to him, as he would be used to the name Jamie. I personally love Jamie, but It's your decision.

  2. I like the name james(jamie)

    one of my really good friends is named james but we call him jamie and he is a freshman in college.

  3. I don't think Jude could be a nickname for James. And Jude doesn't sound right as a middle name. Two middle names might work though. James Nathaniel Jude sounds very nice..and you could call him Jude when he gets older..? I really like the nickname Jimi though. It just looks so unique. I would personally give him two middle names with Jude being one, and call him Jamie as a child, and then let him decide on what he wants to be called - James, Jamie, Jude, Jimi, etc.

  4. james

  5. Our son Jamie's real name is Jamison.  Maybe Jamison Jude?

  6. i like james better:)

  7. You can call him whatever you want, as long as he likes it. I prefer James, and I think Jamie is very cute! If he likes it, you can call him Jude, but it depends on how he feels, really. Also, if his personality doesn't fit as "Jude" then stick with Jamie. My dad's name is Eric, but his last name is Peterson so everyone calls him "Pete". He goes by it so much that he has many certificates addressed to "Peter Peterson" because the people guessed his full name was Peter!

    So just stick to your gut about his name. Who knows? You might come to realize he isn't a Jamie and is more of a Jude even as a little kid! Best of luck with your baby! (are you expecting or just planning for the future?)

  8. i like the name jude better.

    no i don't think you should call him jude if you name him james

  9. Jamie or J., or Jay, Jimmy, or Jim

    You could call him Jude, but it has nothing to do with James.

    I like James better.

  10. James is my cousin's name.. at buiness he is called James, friends call him Jim.. when he was small  chilc we called him Jim

    also I don't see changing names to Jude from James, Jim or jamie. it is confusing to all i think   what second name.. Like My friend is james Joseph, u need to let it flow,,  when i think of jude.. and my name is Judy and I get called Jude.

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