
Name THREE ways that YOU are effecting the Global Warming?

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so i need 3 ways dont just give me 1. and good answers please !




  1. I undergo aerobic respiration

    I defacate

    And I am an American consumer

    That pretty much says it all.

  2. 1. You produce flatulence which is methane  2. Your stools produce methane  3. You exhale carbon dioxide

  3. 1. Man is not responsible for global warming, the sun is.

    2. Even terrorists get Nobel Prizes (e.g. Yassir Arafat).

    3. Al Gore is the biggest hypocrite in the world. He has by the biggest carbon footprint of any of the shrill leftists trying to control the world through laws preventing humans from pursuing happiness.

  4. I'm not..."global warming" is a figment of Al Gore's feeble little mind...and an easy way for him to sucker money out of the gullible.

  5. Driving a car

    Leaving lights on

    Using aerosol cans

  6. If, man is causing that to happen I eat steaks which are from cows and when they f**t it supposedly affects the earth,I drive an auto and hey check this out, I f**t also!

  7. Global warming happens naturally. There is no proof that man has any real effect.

  8. Making fat people go on a diet, I have no proof, but the friction of fat thighs rubbing together is the cause of GW.

    I've stopped my practice of slash and burn framing, this has saved thousands of acres of rain forest.

    I've traded in my Boeing 727 for a piper cub that runs on veggie oil.


  9. there are many ways why we are effecting global warming it is all human made we are all driving to much wasting to much water and filling the land fills with to much paper and bottles and cans we need to do more recycling of paper cardboard and bottles we as humans can stop this before it gets out of hand we have the power and we should recycle more.

  10. I work for the evil-trying to be good-empire of (large American chain store whose initials are WM.

    I f**t

    I'm using a computer built in Indonesia and shipped here aboard a diesel-guzzling freighter ship.

  11. driving a car

    wasting water

    leaving the lights on

    eating beef (look this one up if you don't believe me, gasses)

    burning trash

    using incandescent light bulbs

    CFC aerosols


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