
Name This Celebrity!?

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I'm trying to get the name of the secret celebrity for the 101 Club (WIXX), the quote was something like, "I'm trying to convince the world that I'm a little Operah, but I'm not gail or anything" something like that, I might be off, it might not be the world Operah, and it might not be the world gail, but that's just wut it sounded like. Can you name the celebrity who said that?




  1. I wanna say "Dina Lohan" but I could be worng...good luck!

  2. I think it might have been Tyra Banks with 'I'm not trying to convince anyone I'm a little Oprah.'

  3. Kathy Griffin.

  4. Kathy griffith on the late show

  5. kathy griffith on a late night show

    last night
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